Задание на развитие навыков аудирования
Сегодня поработаем над listening skills. 👂Прослушайте запись и вставьте пропущенные слова.
A: How was your trip?
B: Great. Really amazing. Have you ever been there?
A: No. What’s it like?
B: It’s really wild. It ___________ me __ __________, actually.
A: Yeah?
B: Yeah. I don’t know what I expected, really. I just thought it’d be quieter, but the nightlife is totally ___________ .
A: Really?
B: Honestly. We went out with these people and ___________ ___ in a place at about four in the morning and it was absolutely ___________ .
A: Yeah?
B: Seriously. You literally couldn’t move. In fact, the whole city was still ___________ . You can still ___ ________ ___ ___________ at that time of night.
A: Wow! B: Actually, that was a bit of a pain, the ___________ .
A: Really? Is it bad? B: Unbelievable! You just spend hours and hours in the taxi ___________ ________ with everyone ___________ their ___________ . You’d be quicker walking, really.
A: So did you?
B: No, it’s unbearably humid, so at least the car has _____ ________. Honestly, you walk out of your hotel and it’s ______ ___________ this ______ ______ ___ ________. You just die walking in that heat for any length of time.
A: There must be a fair amount of pollution, then.
B: That as well. The smog is incredible. I mean, our hotel was supposed to have this amazing view - and I guess it would be on a clear day - but half the time you can hardly see a thing. And you nearly _________ ___ ____ _________ when you’re outside.
A: Sounds pretty awful. Are you sure it’s so great?
B: Well, you know, it does have its ___________ but, as I say, it just has a real ______ - especially downtown with the ___________ and the neon lights flashing and the people and the noise. It’s just a really, really ___________ place.
🔍Чтобы lexical chunks прочно закрепились в памяти, найдите английские эквиваленты к следующим выражениям и составьте с ними meaningful sentences. Ответы можно найти в комментариях.
1. Это удивило меня (застало врасплох).
2. Ночная жизнь совершенно безумна.
3. Там было полно народу.
4. Застрять в пробке
5. Пробка (затор)
6. Это доставило неудобства
7. Сигналить
8. Загрязнение (окружающей среды)
9. В ясную погоду
10. Задыхаться от выхлопных газов
11. Существуют определенные недостатки
12. В машине есть кондиционер
13. Оживленное место
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