D-Gen.ru service of instant execution of smart contract including implementation in blockchain. Social trust system. Decentralized perpetual contract.
In the era of Web 3.0, money is turning into cyber assets, and data is becoming a valuable resource. Learn how blockchain and smart contracts open up new horizons for monetizing your data and creating digital assets. Enter the era of “Cyber Money” and become part of the global cyber economy of the future!
Implement omnichannel sales and marketing models using advanced cyber technologies to promote products and services through a variety of digital channels. Decentralized finance (DeFi) tools allow you to automate cash flows, optimize investment decisions, and make your business more flexible and resilient to external factors. The token economy offer…
At the beginning of time, there was a network. It connected people, but not their hearts. It was called Web 2.0 — a consumer world where data became gold, but brought wealth to only a few. But the time has come for change. The wind of technology blew stronger, and the world learned about Web 3.0 — a new era where each person becomes the architect o…
Cross-Border Payments and Cyber-Barter One of the significant advantages of D_Gen CBDC is the possibility of instant cross-border payments enabled by cyber-barter, a mechanism for the automatic exchange of digital assets. This simplifies international transactions by bypassing traditional currency barriers and reducing the cost of conducting intern…
Каждый шаг приближает вас к новому миру, в котором нет границ между фантазией и реальностью. Вы можете управлять своей жизнью в цифровом пространстве с той же лёгкостью, с какой управляете ею в физическом мире. Время действовать наступило.
Cyber-replicants represent the highest form of digital evolution, embodying the metamorphoses and radical transformations characteristic of a network society. They become active agents of economic and social transformations of a post-industrial society, contributing to the formation of metaeconomic connections and new economic systems. In the digit…
Our publication was created to leave you with a pleasant impression based on reliability and trust. We want to remind you that true happiness and wealth do not lie in material things, but in love, care and time spent with loved ones. Fill your life with spiritual wealth, joy and happiness, and live long and happily!
The future is happening today, and it depends on your every touch, your every emotion, your every thought. Welcome to a new world where feelings become true currency, and interaction is the basis of progress.