Ontol: 58 бесплатных онлайн-курсов по кибербезопасности, криптографии и blockchain от лучших университетов мира
Реклама платных курсов лезет из всех щелей, но мало кто знает, что есть тонны бесплатных онлайн-курсов и, порой, более качественных, чем платные.
Предлагаю вашему вниманию 58 бесплатных онлайн-курсов от ведущих университетов мира. (Если есть чем дополнить — пишите в личку или комментарии)
HackerOne — это платформа для поиска уязвимостей и конкурсов bug bounty, которая связывает корпорации и пентестеров и специалистов по кибербезопасности. HackerOne выложили свой бесплатный курс для подготовки этичных хакеров.
- Hacker101 от HackerOne
Stanford University
Один из лучших в мире университетов опубликовал 23-часовой бесплатный курс по криптографии.
Калифорнийский технологический институт рассказывает про квантовую крипттографию. 10 недель по 6-8 часов.
- Quantum Cryptography от California Institute of Technology
Princeton University
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies от Princeton University
еще курсы
- Software Security от University of Maryland, College Park
- Cryptography от University of Maryland, College Park
- Intro to Information Security от Georgia Institute of Technology
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies от University of California, Berkeley
- Finding Your Cybersecurity Career Path от University of Washington
- Building a Cybersecurity Toolkit от University of Washington
- Cybersecurity: The CISO's Viewот University of Washington
- Introduction to Cybersecurity от University of Washington
- Cyber Attack Countermeasures от New York University (NYU)
- Introduction to Cyber Attacks от New York University (NYU)
- Enterprise and Infrastructure Security от New York University (NYU)
- Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies от University of Pennsylvania
- Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Explained от University of Michigan
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained от University of Michigan
- Blockchain Technology от University of California, Berkeley
- Number Theory and Cryptography от University of California, San Diego
- Network Security от Georgia Institute of Technology
- Real-Time Cyber Threat Detection and Mitigation от New York University (NYU)
- Hacker Tools от Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Cyber-Physical Systems Design & Analysis от Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cyber-Physical Systems Security от Georgia Institute of Technology
- Cyber Security Economics от Delft University of Technology
- Introduction to Cybersecurity for Business от University of Colorado System
- Cyber Security Basics: A Hands-on Approach от Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid
- The Cyber Security Landscape от Coventry University
- Cybersecurity and Mobility от University System of Georgia
- Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection — It's Not About the Terrorists от University of Colorado System
- Detecting and Mitigating Cyber Threats and Attacks от University of Colorado System
- Cybersecurity and Privacy in the IoT от Curtin University
- Cybersecurity and the X-Factor от University System of Georgia
- Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things от University System of Georgia
- Cyber-Physical Systems: Modeling and Simulation от University of California, Santa Cruz
- Unlocking Information Security: Part Ⅰ от Tel Aviv University
- Unlocking Information Security: Part ⅠⅠ от Tel Aviv University
- Internet History, Technology, and Security от University of Michigan
- Web Security Fundamentals от KU Leuven University
- Usable Security от University of Maryland, College Park
- Identifying Security Vulnerabilities от University of California, Davis
- Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++Programming от University of California, Davis
- Exploiting and Securing Vulnerabilities in Java Applications от University of California, Davis
- Cloud Security Basics от University of Minnesota
- Proactive Computer Security от University of Colorado System
- AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk от Amazon Web Services
- Linux Server Management and Security от University of Colorado System
- Cloud Computing Security от University of Colorado System
- Cloud Computing Security от University System of Maryland
- Hardware Security от University of Maryland, College Park
- Information Security: Context and Introduction от University of London International Programmes
- Systems and Application Security от (ISC)²
- Security Operations and Administration от (ISC)²
- Access Controls от (ISC)²
- The Merkle Tree and Cryptocurrencies от University of California, Irvine
- Malicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story от University of London International Programmes
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