Компания Adobe прекращает все новые продажи продуктов и услуг в России

Генеральный директор Adobe Шантану Нарайен заявил, что оформленные ранее подписки продолжат действовать до истечения срока, но продлить их нельзя.

Over the past several days, we have continued to witness unprovoked, violent attacks on Ukraine and the tragic loss of innocent lives. The images are horrifying and heartbreaking. As we see this tragedy unfold, we believe we have a responsibility to ensure our products and services are not used in support of this unlawful war.

Earlier this week, Adobe took a series of steps to ensure the health and safety of our employees and provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Effective immediately, Adobe will halt all new sales of Adobe products and services in Russia.

We have been complying with the government sanctions being imposed by the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom to ensure Adobe’s products and services are not being used by prohibited entities. In addition, we are terminating access to Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Experience Cloud to Russian government-controlled media outlets.

To support the growing humanitarian crisis and refugee situation in the region, the Adobe Foundation has made a series of grants of over $1 million USD. The Foundation will focus on direct aid and medical assistance to communities in Ukraine, as well as resettlement and transportation needs for families fleeing the country and seeking resettlement status as refugees in neighboring countries. It will also provide investments to organizations that support journalists and photojournalists on the ground as part of our commitment to fighting misinformation. We are also providing ways for our employees to help, including matching employee donations.

We understand there is only so much one company can do to impact an unjustified invasion. But we also understand our civic and moral responsibility to support democracy and humanity. We are committed to doing everything we can to stand in support of those directly affected and with our entire Adobe community.

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