Амплитудная когерентность альфа ритма

Ежедневная Випассана


Так лень редактировать, прости.

Изменения в состоянии сознания связаны с взаимодействием между этими областями мозга и внутри них. Как анестезия, так и сон были связаны со снижением когерентности колебаний альфа- и гамма-диапазона активности между глубокими и поверхностными слоями в каждой области коры по сравнению с бодрствованием или стимуляцией CL. Аналогичным образом наблюдалось снижение альфа- и гамма-когерентности между LIP и FEF, а также между CL и корой под наркозом и во время сна. Стимуляция CL восстанавливала альфа- и гамма-когерентность в пути прямой связи между поверхностными слоями LIP и поверхностными и средними слоями FEF, а также восстанавливала альфа-когерентность в путях обратной связи, проецирующихся от глубоких слоев FEF к LIP.


Для нас, наверное, самое важное здесь:

1. Thalamocortical and Corticocortical Interactions Showed Pathway-Specific NCC

Here was also a significant interaction for coherence between deep layers of FEF and superficial LIP at alpha (Figure 4G; T = 3.97, n = 1,617, p = 0.001), showing substantial increases in alpha coherence specific to effective stimulations. While coherence between FEF and LIP deep cortical layers did generally increase with stimulation, no interactions were significant (Figure 4H; Table S3 for complete statistics). Overall, more-conscious states showed increased alpha and gamma coherence in feedforward pathways as well as alpha coherence in the feedback pathways originating in deep layers and terminating in superficial layers of the lower-order area.

Thalamic stimulation isolated specific interactions between cortical areas important for consciousness (Figure 4E). Effective stimulations resulted in targeted restoration of frontoparietal coherence in putative feedforward and feedback pathways (Figures 4F–4H). Coherence between superficial layers of LIP and superficial and middle FEF substantially reduced at delta (T = −4.05, n = 2,799, p = 8.6 × 10−4), and increased at alpha (T = 6.87, n = 2,799, p = 1.46 × 10−10), low gamma (T = 4.45, n = 2,799, p = 1.50 × 10−4), and high gamma (60–90 Hz; T = 3.03, n = 2,799, p = 0.027), for effective more than ineffective stimulations, as shown by significant interactions (Figure 4F). There was also a significant interaction for coherence between deep layers of FEF and superficial LIP at alpha (Figure 4G; T = 3.97, n = 1,617, p = 0.001), showing substantial increases in alpha coherence specific to effective stimulations. While coherence between FEF and LIP deep cortical layers did generally increase with stimulation, no interactions were significant (Figure 4H; Table S3 for complete statistics). Overall, more-conscious states showed increased alpha and gamma coherence in feedforward pathways as well as alpha coherence in the feedback pathways originating in deep layers and terminating in superficial layers of the lower-order area.

2. Intracolumnar Interactions Showed Layer-Specific NCC

Within deep layers (Figures 3O and 3P), similar interactions show that effective stimulations selectively increased coherence at theta (4–8 Hz, T = 9.04, n = 2,183, p < 1.0 × 10−10) and alpha (T = 11.79, n = 2,183, p < 1.0 × 10−10) frequencies.

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