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Авторы: Philipp Göz, Carsten König LL.M., Christian Pelz
Стоимость: 26 466 рублей
Язык: Немецкий
Жанр: Адвокатура
Дата публикации: 2021 г.
Das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der zweiten Aktionärsrichtlinie (ARUG II) brachte umfassende Änderungen des Aktienrechts. Im Zentrum der Neuerungen stehen das Mitspracherecht der Anteilseigner bei der Vorstandsvergütung und der gesonderte Vergütungsbericht, den Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat für das vergangene Geschäftsjahr erstellen müssen. Parallel zum ARUG II wurde auch der DCGK grundlegend geändert und ist am 20.3.2020 in Kraft getreten. Weitere wichtige Änderungen des Aktienrechts enthielt das Covid-19-Maßnahmengesetz, dass wesentliche Erleichterungen für die Durchführung einer Hauptversammlung vorgesehen hat. Wissenschaftlich anspruchsvoll und zugleich praxisorientiert stellt die Kommentierung des Heidelberger Kommentars die Auswirkungen dieser Reformen auf die Praxis dar.
Auch die für kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmen wichtigen Vorschriften sowie der DCGK werden erläutert. Ergänzend werden die rechtlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundlagen der Unternehmensbewertung dargestellt. Die Unternehmensbewertung ist wichtig beim Konzernrecht und beim Spruchverfahren. Das Autorenteam aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Beratung garantiert einen hohen Praxisbezug und schlägt eine Brücke zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. Die Kommentierung orientiert sich an der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung. In der Auseinandersetzung mit Rechtsprechung und Literatur werden wissenschaftliche Akzente gesetzt.
Автор: Bruce R. Hopkins
Стоимость: 26 801 рублей
Издатель: Wiley
Объем: 1400 стр.
Жанр: Переговоры
Описание книги: As United States charitable tax law becomes ever more complex and byzantine, the need for a one-stop resource on foundational and advanced topics in this practice area has become acute. The comprehensively revised Sixth Edition of The Tax Law of Charitable Giving fills this niche. The book offers readers a fulsome, authoritative, and well-organized description of modern US tax laws on charitable giving
Ranging over the basics of US charitable giving law to the intricate details of contributions of various types of property and international giving, this accomplished nonprofit lawyer, professor, and author delves deeply into a wide variety of subjects concerning deductible (and nondeductible) charitable giving. In addition to fundamental topics such as the definition of gift and percentage limitations on charitable deductions, readers will learn about planned giving, donor-advised funds, the substantiation and appraisal requirements, reporting and disclosure laws, valuation pricinples, tax penalties, and more.
Ideal for lawyers, accountants, and other financial professionals who advise clients on charitable giving and tax matters, The Tax Law of Charitable Giving provides an authoritative reference on all aspects of philanthropy and federal tax law.
Авторы: Alicia M. Beck, Bruce R. Hopkins
Стоимость: 26 799 рублей
Объем: 691 стр.
Жанр: Логистика
Описание книги: Stay abreast of the latest developments in charitable fundraising legislation and regulation Effective fundraising has never been more important to the success of a nonprofit organization than it is today. But national- and state-level legislative and administrative control over charitable fundraising is expanding quickly. In the newly revised Sixth Edition of The Law of Fundraising, distinguished lawyers and tax-exempt organization experts deliver a comprehensive and authoritative blueprint of the increasingly complex tangle of federal and state regulations and legislation that govern charitable fundraising in the United States. The authors explore the administrative, tax, and constitutional implications of the latest legislation, regulation, IRS pronouncements, private letter rulings, and technical advice memoranda.
The book also includes: In-depth explorations of the anatomy of charitable fundraising, including different methods of fundraising and the roles of accountants and lawyers in the fundraising process Comprehensive examinations of federal and state regulation of fundraising, including the proper delegation of legislative authority and the treatment of fundraising disclosures Regulatory developments on the horizon, including major legislative proposals and new regulatory issues in areas including Internet fundraisingAn indispensable resource for tax-exempt board members, executives, managers, fundraisers, and other leaders, the latest edition of The Law of Fundraising will earn a place in the libraries of the accountants, lawyers, and other regulated professionals who serve nonprofit organizations.
Автор: Jody Blazek
Стоимость: 26 799,43 рубля
Язык: английский
Жанр: Логистика
Описание: A practical guide to handling the challenges facing tax-exempt organizations, written by a leading authority
Tax Planning and Compliance for Tax-Exempt Organizations, Sixth Edition ensures that you have the practical knowledge to handle critical tax situations. This book provides guidance for the significant issues facing nonprofit organizations. It’s an essential guide to navigating the complexities of nonprofit tax rules and regulations. Packed with checklists and suggestions starting with Exhibit 1.1, Organizations Reference Chart and Exhibit 1.2, Suitability for Tax-Exempt Status, this guide helps anyone that creates, advises, or manages a nonprofit organization.
Now, you can better understand the requirements for various categories of tax-exempt organizations: public charities, private foundations, civic associations, business leagues, and social clubs, as well as title-holding companies and governmental entities. You’ll discover practical guidance on the issue of potentially owing income tax on revenue-producing enterprises. Clear explanations cover the many exceptions to taxability. Tax issues related to internet activity, advertising, publishin
Авторы: Alicia M. Beck, Bruce R. Hopkins
Стоимость: 26799,43 рубля
Объем: 1200 стр. 3 иллюстрации
Жанр: Юриспруденция, логистика, экономика
Описание: Stay abreast of the latest developments in charitable fundraising legislation and regulation Effective fundraising has never been more important to the success of a nonprofit organization than it is today. But national- and state-level legislative and administrative control over charitable fundraising is expanding quickly. In the newly revised Sixth Edition of The Law of Fundraising, distinguished lawyers and tax-exempt organization experts deliver a comprehensive and authoritative blueprint of the increasingly complex tangle of federal and state regulations and legislation that govern charitable fundraising in the United States.
The authors explore the administrative, tax, and constitutional implications of the latest legislation, regulation, IRS pronouncements, private letter rulings, and technical advice memoranda. The book also includes: In-depth explorations of the anatomy of charitable fundraising, including different methods of fundraising and the roles of accountants and lawyers in the fundraising process Comprehensive examinations of federal and state regulation of fundraising, including the proper delegation of legislative authority and the treatment of fundraising disclosures Regulatory developments on the horizon, including major legislative proposals and new regulatory issues in areas including Internet fundraisingAn indispensable resource for tax-exempt board members, executives, managers, fundraisers, and other leaders, the latest edition of The Law of Fundraising will earn a place in the libraries of the accountants, lawyers, and other regulated professionals who serve nonprofit organizations.
Авторы: Bruce R. Hopkins, Thomas Hyatt K.
Стоимость: 26 715,75 рубля
Объем: 195 стр.
Жанр: Зарубежная деловая литература, Общественные организации
Описание книги: Get up to date on 2018 healthcare law and newly relevant issues The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations 2018 Supplement provides complete and comprehensive practitioner updates and analysis in a single volume. Tackling complex legal issues with plain-English explanations and the appropriate citations, this guide is a must-have resource for organizations and their advisors. The companion website provides extensive appendices for further reference, as well as helpful downloadable tables that facilitate a more efficient approach to practice. Healthcare law is a complex field, and keeping up with the frequent changes to federal law is itself a full time job.
This book eliminates the need for extended research time by collecting all of the newest and relevant guidelines into one place. Get up to date on the latest IRS forms, guidance, and procedures Interpret complex legal issues correctly and appropriately Reference relevant federal guidelines quickly and easily Access extensive appendices and tables to streamline application As the field evolves and new issues arise, practitioners need a working knowledge of the legal implications behind organizational activities, structure, practices, and more. This most recent annual supplement to The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations is a must-have resource for anyone in the field.
Авторы: Bruce R. Hopkins, Thomas Hyatt K.
Стоимость: 26 983,71 рублей
Язык: Английский
Жанр: Зарубежная деловая литература, Общественные организации, юриспруденция
Аннотация: The updated definitive reference for nonprofit tax law The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations is the classic reference for non-profit tax law, written by the most respected name in the field. Author Bruce R. Hopkins provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the taxation of exempt organizations to help both lawyers and managers make better-informed decisions regarding the actions and future of their organizations. This supplement includes the latest rulings, regulations, court opinions, and much more, including expanded discussion of the private benefit doctrine, integration of Treasury Department regulations, new rules for supporting organizations and donor-advised funds, and detailed guidance on nonprofit governance and nonprofit regional healthcare cooperatives.
Written in plain English to facilitate quick and easy reference, this book is a vital part of any nonprofit's reference library. The laws pertaining to nonprofit organizations are constantly evolving, and keeping up to date with the changes may mean the difference between meeting organizational objectives or incurring costly penalties. Supplemented annually to provide a one-stop collection of pertinent updates, this book is an invaluable reference for all aspects of nonprofit law.
Get up to date on the latest IRS rulings, regulatory changes, and court opinions Understand the legal guidelines relevant to your organization Become better-equipped to make short- and long-term strategy decisions Stay current on laws pertaining to governance, fund raising, business activities, and more This Eleventh Edition is an important revision and expansion to the definitive one-volume reference, and this supplement extends the utility by providing comprehensive coverage of changes and new developments. As both laws and organizations evolve, The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations is the definitive guide to nonprofit taxation and regulation.
Авторы: C. Luckhardt Grant, Людвиг Витгенштейн, Maximilian Aue E.
Стоимость: 27 664,20 ₽
Объем: 1056 стр.
Жанр: Книги по философии
Описание книги: Long awaited by the scholarly community, Wittgenstein's so-called Big Typescript (von Wright Catalog # TS 213) is presented here in an en face English–German scholar’s edition. Presents scholar’s edition of important material from 1933, Wittgenstein’s first efforts to set out his new thoughts after the publication of the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus Includes indications to help the reader identify Wittgenstein’s numerous corrections, additions, deletions, alternative words and phrasings, suggestions for moves within the text, and marginal comments
Авторы: Sliwinski Martin J., Whitbourne Susan Krauss
Стоимость: 27 664 рублей
Жанр: Возрастная психология, Общая психология, Развитие психики
Язык: Английский
This exceptional collection draws on the most recent demographic data and combines classic research with cutting-edge approaches to provide an invaluable overview of the developmental psychology of the adult years. Covers a wide range of topics within adult development and aging, from theoretical perspectives to specific content areas Includes newly commissioned essays from the top researchers in the field Takes a biopsychosocial perspective, covering the biological, psychological and social changes that occur in adulthood
Автор: Bruce R. Hopkins
Язык: Английский
Стоимость: 28 640 рублей
Описание книги: The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations has, for decades, been the definitive single-volume source of legal information for nonprofit lawyers and managers alike. Author Bruce R. Hopkins is widely recognized as the leading authority on the subject; in this thoroughly revised Twelfth Edition, he provides all the updates you need to stay current on the latest changes to tax code, regulatory, and case law developments. Annual supplements available with the book will ensure that you don't miss any important updates.
Making solid decisions about the future of any tax-exempt organization requires a firm and up-to-date understanding of the relevant tax and other law. This reference provides guidance on the latest developments in eligibility for tax exemption, the private inurement and private benefit doctrines, nonprofit governance, lobbying, political campaign activity, public charities, private foundations, donor-advised funds, unrelated business activities, reporting, disclosure requirements, and more.
Авторы: Georg Steinberg, Bernd Heinrich, Christoph Safferling
Язык: Немецкий
Цена: 28 714 рублей
Жанр: Адвокатура
Konzeption:Das auf neun Bände angelegte «Handbuch des Strafrechts» ist eine Gesamtdarstellung des deutschen Strafrechts und Strafverfahrensrechts, das nicht über Kommentierungen einzelner Vorschriften, sondern in Form themenspezifischer Abhandlungen erschlossen wird.
Es besteht aus drei Sektionen, von denen die erste die Grundlagen sowie den Allgemeinen Teil des Strafrechts behandelt, die zweite den Besonderen Teil mit ausgesuchten Teildisziplinen des Strafrechts und die dritte das Strafverfahrensrecht.
Das Handbuch des Strafrechts stellt dezidiert die Dogmatik in den Mittelpunkt. Es berücksichtigt vor allem die Grundlagen und deren Fortentwicklung. Losgelöst von den Herausforderungen des Augenblicks und des Einzelfalls begleitet es die Entwicklung des deutschen Strafrechts beständig und dauerhaft aus einer kritischen Distanz. Es trägt dazu bei, andere strafrechtswissenschaftliche Untersuchungen auf ein solides Fundament zu stellen. Aufgrund von Interdisziplinarität und Einbeziehung europäischer und internationaler Tendenzen ist das Werk über die nationalen Grenzen hinaus für die gesamte strafrechtliche Forschung und Praxis von Interesse.Band 6 des Handbuch des Strafrechts «Teildisziplinen des Strafrechts» nimmt in fünf Abschnitten einzelne, besondere Themenbereiche des Strafrechts ausführlich in den Blick. Er widmet sich dem Medizinstrafrecht, dem Betäubungs- und Arzneimittelstrafrecht, dem Wirtschafts- und Steuerstrafrecht und umfasst Beiträge zum Themengebiet «Kommunikation und Strafrecht» sowie zu den internationalen Verflechtungen des Strafrechts.
Ausführlich besprochen werden dabei u.a. die ärztliche Heilbehandlung, der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums und der Schutz des freien Wettbewerbs, das Medien-, Computer- und Internetstrafrecht sowie das Europäische Strafrecht und das Völkerstrafrecht.
Авторы: Kuhse Helga, Питер Сингер
Стоимость: 29 002 рублей
Объем книги: 638 стр.
Жанр: Философия
Оценка: 10 из 10 по субъективному мнению
Описание книги: This second edition of A Companion to Bioethics, fully revised and updated to reflect the current issues and developments in the field, covers all the material that the reader needs to thoroughly grasp the ideas and debates involved in bioethics. Thematically organized around an unparalleled range of issues, including discussion of the moral status of embryos and fetuses, new genetics, life and death, resource allocation, organ donations, AIDS, human and animal experimentation, health care, and teaching Now includes new essays on currently controversial topics such as cloning and genetic enhancement Topics are clearly and compellingly presented by internationally renowned bioethicists A detailed index allows the reader to find terms and topics not listed in the titles of the essays themselves
Авторы: Cary L. Cooper, James Quick Campbell, Marc J. Schabracq
Стоимость: 29 488 рублей
Жанр: Общая психология
Объём книги: 507 стр.
Описание: Now in its third edition, this authoritative handbook offers a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of work and health psychology. Updated edition of a highly successful handbook Focuses on the applied aspects of work and health psychology New chapters cover emerging themes in this rapidly growing field Prestigious team of editors and contributors
Из серии: Kommunikation & Recht
Стоимость: 29 784 рублей
Жанр: Адвокатура
Язык: Немецкий
Объем: 4740 стр. 6 иллюстраций
Описание: Mit der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) wurde ein neues Kapitel im Datenschutzrecht aufgeschlagen, das datenverarbeitende Stellen mit Herausforderungen konfrontiert, deren Nichtbeachtung zu erheblichen Bußgeldzahlungen führen kann. Transparenz- und Dokumentationspflichten sowie die Pflicht zur Rechenschaft über getroffene Maßnahmen zur Gewährleistung der Datensicherheit, die vorzunehmende Datenschutzfolgenabschätzung, die verschärften Meldepflichten bei Datenpannen, die erweiterte Verantwortlichkeit der Auftragsverarbeiter, die Interessenabwägungen im Rahmen des risikobasierten Ansatzes der DSGVO sowie die Anforderungen an den internationalen Datentransfer sind Themen, mit denen sich jeder Verantwortliche intensiv auseinandersetzen muss.
Авторы: Bernd Heinrich, Christoph Zehetgruber
Стоимость: 29 782 рублей
Язык: Немецкий
Описание: Band 5 «Strafrecht Besonderer Teil II» nimmt in sechs Abschnitten den
Объем: 3440 стр.
Жанр: Адвокатура
О книге: Schutz des Vermögens und der sonstigen Vermögensinteressen,der Umwelt und den Schutz vor Gemeingefahren sowie die
Straftaten im Amt unddie Urkunden- und die Geld- und Wertzeichenfälschung in den Blick. Ausführlich besprochen werden dabei u.a.
Diebstahl, Raub, Erpressung, Betrug, Untreue, Hehlerei, die Sachbeschädigung, Geldwäsche und Insolvenzstraftaten. Der Abschnitt zum Schutz vor Gemeingefahren umfasst die Beiträge Straßenverkehrsdelikte, Brandstiftung, Vollrausch und Unterlassene Hilfeleistung. Beiträge zu Amtsträgerbegriff, Bestechung sowie sonstige Amtsdelikte bilden den Abschnitt zu den Straftaten im Amt.Konzeption: Das auf neun Bände angelegte «Handbuch des Strafrechts» ist eine Gesamtdarstellung des deutschen Strafrechts und Strafverfahrensrechts, das nicht über Kommentierungen einzelner Vorschriften, sondern in Form themenspezifischer Abhandlungen erschlossen wird. Es besteht aus drei Sektionen, von denen die erste die
Авторы: Cary L. Cooper, Ivan Robertson T.
Язык: Английский
Жанр: Общая психология
Стоимость: 30 757 рублей
Описание книги: This is the eighteenth in the most prestigious series of annual volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The series provides authoritative and integrative reviews of the key literature of industrial psychology and organizational behavior. The chapters are written by established experts and topics are carefully chosen to reflect the major concerns in the research literature and in current practice. Specific issues covered in this volume reflect the growth and complexity of the organizational psychology field, for example: Implicit Knowledge and Experience in Work and Organizations, Flexible Working Arrangements, Web-based Recruiting and Testing, Economic Psychology, Workaholism, and a review of Ethnic Group Differences and Measuring Cognitive Ability.
Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of a chosen topic, and each is supported by valuable bibliography. For advanced students, academics, and researchers, as well as professional psychologists and managers, this remains the most authoritative and current guide to developments and established knowledge in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
Стоимость: 32 345 рублей
Авторы:Thomas K. Hyatt, Bruce R. Hopkins
Объем: 1090 стр.
Язык книги: Английский
Жанр: Логистика
Описание: A completely revised and expanded one-volume legal resource for tax-exempt healthcare organizations A complete and up-to-date legal resource for tax-exempt healthcare organizations and their advisors, this Fourth Edition, equips you with a comprehensive, one-volume source of detailed information on federal law covering tax-exempt healthcare organizations. The Fourth Edition of this practical, down-to-earth book tackles complex legal issues by providing you with plain-English explanations and the appropriate legal citations for further research.
Revised with new discussions on healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act, IRS initiatives, executive compensation, commercial activity by tax-exempt organizations, political campaign activity, charitable reforms, governance, restrictions on supporting organizations, intermediate sanctions, and much more Provides detailed documentation and citations, including references to regulations, rulings, cases, and tax literature Includes an exhaustive index allowing for quick and easy reference Offers annual supplements to keep readers apprised of the latest developments affecting tax-exempt healthcare organizations Written by leading experts in the fields of healthcare and nonprofit law, this comprehensive and vital resource has been completely revised and updated to present a clear view of complicated legal and tax issues.
Автор:Bruce R. Hopkins
Стоимость: 32 345,11 ₽
Объем: 930 стр.
Жанр: Логистика
Описание книги: A completely updated guide to the laws and regulations governing charitable giving
This fully updated Fifth Edition of The Tax Law of Charitable Giving is the definitive resource for nonprofit lawyers, accountants, and fundraising professionals charged with navigating the increasingly complex maze of charitable giving regulations. This new edition includes:
Detailed documentation and citations, including references to regulations, rulings, cases, and tax literature An exhaustive index allowing for quick and easy reference Annual supplements to keep readers apprised of the latest developments affecting tax-exempt healthcare organizations
Авторы:Jody Blazek, Bruce R. Hopkins
Стоимость: 33 235,21рублей
Объем: 891 стр.
Жанр: Зарубежная деловая литература, Общественные организации
Описание книги: Stay updated on the latest tax regulations with this private foundation tax manual Knowledge of tax regulations surrounding private foundations isn't enough if you're an executive of such an organization or a professional supporting a tax-exempt foundation. Annual changes to IRS rules and increased scrutiny by regulators mean it's necessary for you to keep abreast of myriad changes that come into existence each year. From authors Bruce R. Hopkins and Jody Blazek comes the definitive guide for those responsible for guiding the financial and tax filing operations of private foundations.
The complexity of tax regulations related to private foundations extends to a level that is out of proportion to the relatively small number of such entities. Nonetheless, recent statutory requirements that apply solely to private foundations can make untangling filing and reporting activities overly burdensome without a developed knowledge of the underlying theory and practice. To navigate this maze of add-on regulations, Hopkins and Blazek provide background knowledge, in-depth explanations of regulatory changes, and real-world examples to bring as much simplicity to the process as possible. Receive guidance from the 2007 Outstanding Nonprofit Lawyer Award recipient Learn about the details of private foundation taxes from leading experts in the field Make use of checklists and sample documents to prepare organizational filings Utilize line-by-line instructions for completing exemption applications and forms For professionals working closely with private foundations, including accountants, lawyers, and foundation executives, Private Foundations: Tax Law and Compliance, 4th Edition is a welcome resource for keeping your clients or your organization on the right track. Brings clarity, real-world examples, and checklists to help professionals deal with the burdensome process of complying with IRS regulations governing private foundations Clarifies the underlying logic behind statutory tax regulations governing private foundations and the practical implications of maintaining compliance Supplemented annually online to keep subscribers up-to-date on relevant changes in IRS forms requirements, and related tax procedures Includes easy-to-use checklists highlighting such critical concerns as tax-exempt eligibility and tax compliance Offers line-by-line instructions for completing a variety of exemption applications and tax forms Features sample documents, letters of application, completed forms and practice aids summarizing the differences between public and private charitable organizations
Стоимость: 33 499,21 ₽
Объем: 664 стр.
Жанр: Зарубежная психология
Язык: Английский
Описание: Explore the latest research and theory on bullying with this international reference from leading voices in the field
The two-volume Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Bullying delivers a comprehensive exploration of a wide range of research on bullying, broadly defined. School bullying is dealt with at length, but there is also coverage of college and workplace bullying and bullying within sports settings, prisons, families, and elder care residential homes.
Containing contributions from leading scholars on five continents, the book summarizes the latest theories, findings, developmental aspects, and interventions relevant to bullying in a variety of settings. With up-to-date information on rapidly developing topics like sibling bullying, cyberbullying, bias-based bullying, migration and bullying, dating violence, and economic evaluation of bullying prevention programs, The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Bullying offers readers a complete view of a wide array of bullying behaviors.
The insightful and up-to-date information contained within the two volumes is destined to become the standard reference for bullying-related research and theory. Readers will benefit from:
Fulsome material covering research and practice conventions in countries and regions including Europe, North America, South America, Australasia, Japan, South Korea, India, Mainland China and Hong Kong, the Arab countries, and sub-Saharan Africa A comprehensive discussion on the correlates and outcomes of taking part in bullying, as well as being a victim of bullying An exploration of a variety of strategies to deal with bullying incidents, including proactive, reactive, and peer support approaches An analysis of different kinds of bullying, faith-based bullying, and disablist bullying, including racist and ethnic bullying, sexist and sexual bullying, and homophobic and transphobic bullying Perfect for postgraduate students in programs dealing with bullying in virtually any conceivable context, The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Bullying will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers and practitioners in fields as diverse as psychology, sociology, social work, medicine, criminology, child care, and elder studies.
Авторы: Cary L. Cooper, Ivan Robertson T.
Стоимость: 34 828,36 ₽
Объем: 329 стр.
Жанр: Общая психология
Описание: This is the nineteenth in the most prestigious series of annual volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The series provides authoritative and integrative reviews of the key literature of industrial psychology and organizational behaviour. The chapters are written by established experts and topics are carefully chosen to reflect the major concerns in the research literature and in current practice. This volume provides both reviews and current updates of research in familiar areas, such as Learning and Development at Work, Creating Healthy Workplaces, Empowerment and Performance, and Team Effectiveness. Newer topics are also included, such as Virtual Teams, the Workplace Experiences of Lesbian and Gay Employees, and Identification in Organizational Contexts.
Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of the chosen topic, and each is supported by a valuable bibliography. For advanced students, academics, and researchers, as well as professional psychologists and managers, this remains the most authoritative and current guide to developments and established knowledge in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
Авторы: Jody Blazek, Bruce R. Hopkins
Стоимость: 35 194,12 ₽
Объем: 768 стр.
Язык книги: Английский
Жанр: Зарубежная деловая литература, Общественные организации
Описание: With more than 50,000 private foundations in the United States and the increasing scrutiny of the IRS, this much-needed, annually updated manual provides you with a wide range of tax rules and regulations for these foundations. Coauthored by a lawyer and tax accountant, the revised and expanded Third Edition includes practical tax compliance suggestions and in-depth legal explanations. Capturing all-new developments in the private foundations arena, the new edition presents you with line-by-line instructions, sample-filled IRS forms, and complete citations.
Авторы: Cary L. Cooper, Jacques A. M. Winnubst, Marc J. Schabracq
Стоимость: 35 907,66 рублей
Объем: 637 стр.
Жанр: Клиническая психология, Общая психология
Описание: Workplace health is now recognised as having major legal, financial and efficiency implications for organizations. Psychologists are increasingly called on as consultants or in house facilitators to help design work processes, assess and counsel individuals and advise on change management. The second edition of this handbook offers a comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date survey of the field with a focus on the applied aspects of work and health psychology. An unrivalled source of knowledge and references in the field, for students and academics, this edition also reflects the need to relate research to effective and realistic interventions in the workplace. * Editors are outstanding leaders in their fields * Focuses on linking research to practice * Over 50% new chapters. New topics include Coping, The Psychological Contract and Health, Assessment and Measurement of Stress and Well-Being, the Effects of Change, and chapters of Conflict and Communication
Автор: E.T.A Hoffmann
Стоимость: 57 839 ₽
Из серии: Klassiker der Weltliteratur
Жанр: Литературоведение
Описание: Lange vor der Psychoanalyse erforschten die Dichter der Romantik die Abgründe der Seele. In seinen Nachtstücken kreiert Hoffmann eine Welt voll Doppelgänger, beseelter Automaten, dämonischer Alchimisten und Wahnsinniger. Als Meister des subtilen Horrors und der unheimlichen Atmosphäre, erforscht er die rätselhaften, düsteren und unbewussten Aspekte des Lebens.