Примеры рекомендательных писем для стипендии DAAD.

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Letter of recommendation.

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

It is my pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation in support of Ms. NAME SURNAME’s application for DAAD scholarship.

I have personally known NAME for three years since I met her for the first time when she was a third-year student at NAME University where I hold the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Media Theory and Economics. NAME stood out among her groupmates by showing a keen interest in the subjects. She demonstrated sharp intellectual abilities by contributing well thought-out and persuasive arguments to class discussions. Afterward, it was my privilege to become NAME’s supervisor when she chose to prepare her diploma thesis on a topic of ‘Features of creation and promotion of the author's video blogs’ at the Media Business Department where I hold a position of a professor. She distinguished herself from other students by knowing exactly what she wants to accomplish. At our first meeting as a student and advisor, NAME already had a research topic, clear goals, budget and well-developed plan of action. Working with her was fascinating and easy, I was happy to help NAME guide her rich train of thoughts and support her throughout the research. NAME proved herself as an initiative, independent and well-organized person. During her research she demonstrated the ability to overcome any difficulties in achieving her goals: one of the components of her research was to interview top media personalities, and she managed to successfully organize and conduct interviews. I admire her hard work, creativity and desire to go well beyond expectations.

NAME dedicated her time not only to the theory of her research paper but also to practice. To have solid arguments she independently decided to reproduce the process of creating and promoting a video blog. One of the most striking discoveries was that NAME decided to work on her graduation project within the Media Business department while studying at the NAME department, which shows her academic broad-mindedness and motivation. NAME put efforts to independently learn the content of courses that are taught at the Media Business department in order to prepare the research work.

Ms. SURNAME proved her outstanding leadership skills by accomplishing remarkable results at a scientific conference. NAME’s team created a project that is aimed to provide legal assistance to journalists. The team developed an Internet platform that helps journalists to be more informed about legal issues related to journalism activities and helps to be more prepared for emergencies. NAME demonstrated excellence and generosity from different sides of her personality.

Apart from studies, NAME dedicates her free time to volunteering at children orphanages. In addition, she showed her versatility by representing the university and singing at Student Spring, an event that brings students from all over Russia and aims to empower students and develop their talents. Most important is that NAME has clear career goals and she is very motivated to gain new concepts, skills, and experience. To my knowledge, she believes that to be an expert in corporate communication an individual should have diverse background, and hence international experience is very important as each environment has its own communication qualities, ways of solving issues and reaching needed results. A hybrid of knowledge obtained from different nationalities, mentalities will help a specialist to be more competent and in return will bring success to a company.

NAME is an active and outgoing person, she is very intuitive and easily finds approaches to different people through clear communication, listening and reflecting. NAME possesses qualities that are needed to be a good professional such as open-mindedness, friendliness, confidence and a high level of emotional intelligence among others. I strongly recommend her candidacy for the scholarship opportunity.

Sincerely yours,


PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of NAME,

Faculty of NAME, NAME State University



Email: NAME-SURNAME@mail.ru

Примеры рекомендательных писем для стипендии DAAD.

Professional Reference.

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am very pleased to recommend NAME SURNAME for your consideration to DAAD scholarship.

I have known NAME since she joined our team in 2017 as a trainee editor. The selection process included a contest between 7 probationary trainees who had to come up with a new episode scenario, find the guests, and start the production. Tatiana conducted an in depth review of social media, news articles, and online forums and managed to succeed in a week. As a result, NAME was appointed, and I never regret the decision as it was a real pleasure to share with her my knowledge and to lead her in joint projects. Overall, NAME has worked for almost a year under my supervision, and I know her well enough to provide a reliable, professional reference.

To begin with, NAME is a very conscientious and efficient specialist. Her analytical mind, inherent diligence, and education obtained in the best Russian university allowed NAME to “see” and reveal topics of most significance for the audience. Although she was the youngest in the team, NAME’s organizational skills have always remained unsurpassed. Not surprisingly, she was soon promoted to the position of a producer, leading 13 colleagues. I knew I could always count on her—no matter how hard the challenge was, NAME’s performance was never affected. She always obtained full control over the show plot, script, speakers, location, lights, cameras. To illustrate this, once a person who we had been shooting the following morning, called NAME at 1 a.m. and said he could not take part in the show. The man lost all members of his family, and his feelings were quite understandable. NAME tried to reach out to the chief producer but he did not answer. Despite the fact that the situation was not her responsibility, NAME preferred to talk to the man. For several hours, she was seeking to understand his position and find a balance. She said that sharing the story with the spectators could bring him some relief and help from other people in the same situation. In the morning, NAME took a cameraman with her, arrived at the location 4 or 5 hours beforehand, and gathered the character's neighbours and friends to help him feel better on camera. Thanks to NAME's prominent contribution, the episode was successfully shot, and more importantly, the man felt better.

NAME’s professionalism was demonstrated while negotiating with the speakers. Instead of bothering people with phone calls, she set up an online group where potential show characters could share their stories and make requests for shooting. I assume that the ingenious solution describes NAME as a passionate, creative, and tactful person. After graduation, NAME started her career, her expertise is even more highly appreciated in the professional community. I often invite NAME to contribute to the projects for various Russian TV channels. However, that is not only my attitude. For instance, I recall our executive producer saying that she remembers well NAME's responsibile attitude and good sense. Hence NAME is engaged in the most exciting projects for such TV channels as NAME, NAME, and NAME, a primary Russian entertainment channel.

To round it out, NAME has many attractive characteristics that make her a real pleasure to work with. While serious about her work, NAME maintains a great sense of humor and a positive attitude among her colleagues, which is not always easy. Similarly, I believe NAME will meet every challenge she encounters during her academic journey.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via my e-mail given below.





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