Чек-листы для самостоятельной проверки Speaking и Writing заданий в TOEFL
Если вы планируете учиться, стажироваться или работать в США, то сдачи TOEFL® не избежать. Этот экзамен проверяет уровень владения академическим английским, другими словами, способность учиться в университете наравне с англоговорящими студентами. TOEFL состоит из четырёх частей: Reading, Listening, Speaking и Writing. Можно с лёгкостью самостоятельно натренироваться на Reading и Listening: выполнять practice tests и сверяться с ответами. Сложнее самостоятельно готовиться к устной и письменной частям. Если у вас уверенный Upper-Intermediate, хорошая самодисциплина и внимательность к деталям, то специальные курсы не потребуются. Воспользуйтесь нашими чек-листами, чтобы подготовиться эффективно в кратчайшие сроки.
Как провести самопроверку для раздела Speaking?
Запишите свой ответ на диктофон. Затем послушайте запись и оцените по чек-листу. Вам надо будет работать над теми пунктами, которые не отмечены галочкой. Вы также можете прогнать аудиозапись через приложение Voice to Text, чтобы увидеть, насколько правильно произносите слова. Это важно, потому что ответ будет оценивать не только живой человек, но и робот, и вы можете потерять баллы, если робот не сможет распознать, что вы говорите.
Чек-листы для самопроверки
Speaking, Question 1
Это Independent question, в котором надо выразить своё мнение или рассказать что-то о своей жизни.
𝥷 I took notes while preparing for the answer.
𝥷 I used the time effectively.
𝥷 I fully answered the question.
𝥷 I spoke only about the topic.
𝥷 My ideas are fully developed and the relationships between them are clear.
𝥷 Each idea includes enough details or specific examples from my experience.
𝥷 I used 2-3 coherent devices.
𝥷 I spoke in a calm, clear, and natural manner.
𝥷 I didn’t speak too fast, too slow or too quiet.
𝥷 I didn’t pause too often.
𝥷 I used pauses and intonation to mark my transitions.
𝥷 My pronunciation and intonation allow TOEFL raters to easily understand me.
𝥷 I have no major mistakes.
𝥷 I used words correctly.
𝥷 I used synonyms and paraphrasing.
𝥷 I used advanced vocabulary.
𝥷 I used different sentence structures.
Speaking, Question 2
Это первый интегрированный вопрос в разделе Speaking. Надо будет прочитать короткое объявление, связанное с жизнью в кампусе, затем послушать, как двое студентов говорят о прочитанном. Один из студентов согласится или не согласится с изменением. Надо связать между собой текст и аудио.
𝥷 I took notes while reading the passage and listening to the conversation.
𝥷 I used the time effectively.
𝥷 I read the question carefully.
𝥷 I used my notes to find the information necessary and formed a plan.
𝥷 I didn’t talk about my opinion.
𝥷 I noted the topic and main points of the reading passage.
𝥷 I noted the opinions of two speakers from the listening passage.
𝥷 I noted the speaker’s reasons for their opinions from the listening passage.
𝥷 I have fully answered the question.
𝥷 I don’t have points that are not related to the reading passage or the lecture.
𝥷 I used transitions to connect my ideas.
𝥷 I spoke in a calm, clear, and natural manner.
𝥷 I didn’t speak too fast, too slow or too quiet.
𝥷 I didn’t pause too often.
𝥷 I used pauses and intonation to mark my transitions.
𝥷 My pronunciation and intonation allow TOEFL raters to easily understand me.
𝥷 I have no major mistakes.
𝥷 I used words correctly.
𝥷 I used synonyms and paraphrasing.
𝥷 I used advanced vocabulary.
𝥷 I used different sentence structures.
Speaking, Question 3
Надо прочитать текст и послушать отрывок из лекции на одну академическую тему, ответить на вопрос, используя информацию из обоих источников.
𝥷 I took notes while reading the passage and listening to the lecture.
𝥷 I used the time effectively.
𝥷 I read the question carefully.
𝥷 I used my notes to find the information necessary and formed a plan.
𝥷 I didn’t talk about my opinion.
𝥷 I noted the topic and main points of the reading passage.
𝥷 I noted the specific examples of the listening passage.
𝥷 I stated the relationship between ideas in the reading passage and lecture.
𝥷 I have fully answered the question.
𝥷 I used details from the listening and reading passages.
𝥷 I used transitions to connect my ideas.
𝥷 I spoke in a calm, clear, and natural manner.
𝥷 I didn’t speak too fast, too slow or too quiet.
𝥷 I didn’t pause too often.
𝥷 I used pauses and intonation to mark my transitions.
𝥷 My pronunciation and intonation allow TOEFL raters to easily understand me.
𝥷 I have no major mistakes.
𝥷 I used words correctly.
𝥷 I used synonyms and paraphrasing.
𝥷 I used advanced vocabulary.
𝥷 I used different sentence structures.
Speaking, Question 4
Надо послушать отрывок из лекции на академическую тему и пересказать содержание отрывка.
𝥷 I took notes while listening to the lecture.
𝥷 I used the time effectively.
𝥷 I read the question carefully.
𝥷 I used my notes to find the information necessary and formed a plan.
𝥷 I didn’t talk about my opinion.
𝥷 I noted the topic and main points of the listening passage.
𝥷 I have fully answered the question.
𝥷 I used transitions to connect my ideas.
𝥷 I spoke in a calm, clear, and natural manner.
𝥷 I didn’t speak too fast, too slow or too quiet.
𝥷 I didn’t pause too often.
𝥷 I used pauses and intonation to mark my transitions.
𝥷 My pronunciation and intonation allow TOEFL raters to easily understand me.
𝥷 I have no major mistakes.
𝥷 I used words correctly.
𝥷 I used synonyms and paraphrasing.
𝥷 I used advanced vocabulary.
𝥷 I used different sentence structures.
Как провести самопроверку для раздела Writing?
Напечатайте текст за 30 минут без словаря или spellchecker. Затем прогоните текст через fluent.express, чтобы посмотреть, есть ли грамматические, лексические и пунктуационные ошибки, и через Oxford Text Checker, чтобы узнать уровень лексики в тексте.
Чек-листы для самопроверки
Writing Question 1
Надо прочитать текст, послушать лекцию и написать эссе на основе полученной информации.
𝥷 I wrote at least 150 and 225 words.
𝥷 I didn’t write my opinion.
𝥷 I proofread my answer.
𝥷 I noted the main topic of the reading passage.
𝥷 I noted the three key points of the reading passage that are used to support the topic.
𝥷 I noted the main topic of the listening passage.
𝥷 I noted the three key points of the listening passage that are used to support the topic and relate to the points in the reading.
𝥷 I noted the relationship between the reading and listening passages in my plan.
𝥷 I have fully answered the question.
𝥷 I don’t have points that are not related to the reading passage or the lecture.
𝥷 I wrote in paragraphs.
𝥷 I used good transitions.
𝥷 I didn’t write about the same things over and over, just using different words.
𝥷 I have no major mistakes.
𝥷 I used the language that makes sense and accurately reflects the ideas presented in the lecture and the reading passage.
𝥷 I used different sentence structures.
𝥷 I used Advanced vocabulary.
𝥷 I have used words correctly.
𝥷 I used synonyms and paraphrasing.
𝥷 I wrote in full English sentences.
Writing Question 2
Надо выразить свое мнение в форме эссе на заданную тему.
𝥷 I used an outline to plan my essay.
𝥷 I wrote at least 300 words.
𝥷 I spent not more than 30 minutes.
𝥷 I proofread my answer.
𝥷 I have fully answered the question.
𝥷 I wrote detailed examples and reasons to support my ideas.
𝥷 I don’t have points that are not related to the main point.
𝥷 I didn’t write about the same things over and over, just using different words.
𝥷 I don’t have unclear connections.
𝥷 I used paragraphs.
𝥷 I wrote an introduction and two well-developed body paragraphs.
𝥷 I wrote a short conclusion summarizing the main points and didn’t write any new ideas.
𝥷 I included at least two transitional words or phrases in each paragraph.
𝥷 I have no major mistakes.
𝥷 I used different sentence structures.
𝥷 I used Advanced vocabulary.
𝥷 I have used words correctly.
𝥷 I wrote in full English sentences.
Помимо прорешивания тестов, постоянно отрабатывайте стратегии и повышайте уровень языка: много слушайте и читайте на академические темы, чтобы быть готовым высказать своё мнение на любую тему.
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