New monetary world. New world order.

It once seemed that cyberspace was limited to social networks, cloud technologies and a few cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, we have entered the era of the sixth technological paradigm, where NBIC convergence (Nano-, Bio-, Info-, Cogno-) begins to permeate all aspects of our lives, forming a new paradigm of existence. In it, the human person…

New monetary world. New world order.

Пункт перехода к иному образу жизни.

Традиционные профессии заменяются гибридными контрактами, где работодатель – это алгоритм, а оплата производится мгновенно в криптовалюте через DeFi-протоколы.

#имплементация с #d_gen

Глобальная реконфигурация мира Web 3.0: от традиционной экономики к кибер экосистеме


Web 3.0 Trends Tokenization, DeFi, and the Metaverse: How to Make Money in the New Era?

As Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, because it is imagination that will allow you to create a future in which you will become an architect. And knowledge will give you the basis to build this future firmly and reliably, without fear of change.

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How Smart Web 3.0 Technologies Are Transforming Business and Sales.

Anna's Story: Moving to Web 3.0

How Web 3.0 helps small businesses: a case study on implementing blockchain, tokens and metaverses to increase sales and customer trust

New Money - "Cyber Money": The Foundation of a New Hybrid Economy.

In the era of Web 3.0, money is turning into cyber assets, and data is becoming a valuable resource. Learn how blockchain and smart contracts open up new horizons for monetizing your data and creating digital assets. Enter the era of “Cyber Money” and become part of the global cyber economy of the future!

Ivan Kravchuk shows the way: Web 3.0 is not tomorrow, but today.

Cyberbarter: Your Code to Prosperity in the Web 3.0 Era. How Smart Contracts and Tokens Materialize Crypto

Cyberbarter and Smart Contracts: Your Guide to Web 3.0 and Asset Monetization


Cybercurrency & Programmable Money Web 3.0: Quantum Leap to Financial Freedom in the Great Merger Era with EVM

Transformation of Financial Processes with Cybernetic Banking Digital Concordance (CBDC): Building a Decentralized Ecosystem of the Future

Cybercurrency & Programmable Money Web 3.0: Quantum Leap to Financial Freedom in the Great Merger Era with EVM

Cyber CBDC: Unified Financial System - Decentralized Banking, Blockchain and DAO

financial world Cyberbank Galactic Concordance and DAO Great Tartarye with highly developed technologies and decentralized network

Cross-Border Payments and Cyber-Barter One of the significant advantages of D_Gen CBDC is the possibility of instant cross-border payments enabled by cyber-barter, a mechanism for the automatic exchange of digital assets. This simplifies international transactions by bypassing traditional currency barriers and reducing the cost of conducting intern…


Your Ticket to the New World of Business: DAO Great Tartarye — Your Guide to the Harmony of Reality and Cyberspace with TON (The Open Network)

The Future of Your Dreams Is Here: Use It Today
v 3.0 Your Ticket to the New World of Business: DAO Great Tartarye — Your Guide to the Harmony of Reality and Cyberspace with TON (The Open Network)

How to Create Your Own Cryptocurrency and Change the Rules of the Game: A Step-by-Step Guide to New Opportunities.

Token production requires payment for the work of the computer (Ethereum Virtual Machine) approximately: 25.63 USDT. Click the “Create” button, and in a minute your token will be ready for use.

How to Create Your Own Cryptocurrency and Change the Rules of the Game: A Step-by-Step Guide to New Opportunities.

Синтез Новой Реальности — Как Web 3.0, Блокчейн и Нейросети Прокладывают Путь к Миру Реальных Возможностей и Богатства, Которые Уже Здесь.

DAO Great Tartarye блокчейн Web 3.0 нейросети токенизация активов
DAO Great Tartarye: как блокчейн, Web 3.0 и нейросети трансформируют идеи в токены и создают новые возможности для управления активами. Токенизация мыслей и оцифровка данных — реальный инструмент для создания богатства в эпоху киберфизических систем. Автономные цифровые активы, кибер-аватары и смарт-контракты в новой киберреальности.