New monetary world. New world order.

It once seemed that cyberspace was limited to social networks, cloud technologies and a few cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, we have entered the era of the sixth technological paradigm, where NBIC convergence (Nano-, Bio-, Info-, Cogno-) begins to permeate all aspects of our lives, forming a new paradigm of existence. In it, the human person…

New monetary world. New world order.

New Social Network on Blockchain: How DAO Great Tartarye Changes the Rules of the Game

Are you ready to stop being a passive observer and become the architect of your new destiny? In the world of DAO Great Tartarye, everyone has a chance to turn knowledge and ideas into real capital. Here, every transaction matters, and every thought has the potential for development.

Cybernetic Metamorphoses: How Cyber-Replicants Are Becoming the Architects of the Future Cyber Economy

Cyber-replicants represent the highest form of digital evolution, embodying the metamorphoses and radical transformations characteristic of a network society. They become active agents of economic and social transformations of a post-industrial society, contributing to the formation of metaeconomic connections and new economic systems. In the digit…

cyber replicant symbiosis of virtual and real

Cyber Oasis: Your Ticket to the Business of the Future with dDigitalgene and Web 3.0

Address EQAV2-I3sTn9mvNqzJSEf4exBOGJXq5gBXhWKXXkhFJFewS0

In the era of Web 3.0, innovation is becoming the basis of successful business and asset management. dDigitalgene Human Futures offers unique opportunities to monetize your ideas and data by turning them into valuable digital assets.


Создать мем коин. Производство Кибер Валюты — симбиоз виртуального с реальным. Ton coin: создание частных криптоактивов

Подобно древним алхимикам, стремившимся превратить простые металлы в золото, пользователи платформы D_Gen могут трансформировать свои виртуальные идеи в ценные цифровые активы. Этот процесс, подкрепленный магией блокчейна и умными контрактами, служит надежным фундаментом для достижения новых высот в мире криптоэкономики. Присоединяйтесь к нам и буд…


Radical reality (RR) of cyber product implementation. Production of #cybersoulbound tokens