Что общего между Telegram-ботами, турникетами и светофорами: конечные автоматы на практике

Представьте обычное утро в метро. Вы подходите к турникету, прикладываете карту, и... турникет решает, пропустить вас или нет. В этот момент происходит маленькое чудо автоматизации – турникет действует как конечный автомат, простая но эффективная система принятия решений.

Источник: <a href="https://api.vc.ru/v2.8/redirect?to=https%3A%2F%2Flenta.ru%2Fcomments%2Fnews%2F2022%2F01%2F19%2Fmmetro%2F&postId=1767177" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">пресс-служба Московского метрополитена</a>

Microsoft выпустили TypeScript 5.7 Beta

Что интересного появилось:

Небольшой пример использования оператора satisfies в TypeScript

Оператор `satisfies` указывает TS на то, какой тип переменной мы ожидаем без переопределения ее собственного типа. В некоторых случаях такая возможность оказывается очень полезной. Рассмотрим простой пример, где данный оператор может оказаться полезным.

Разработка браузерных игр с использованием Phaser3, React, Typescript

Думаю, ни для кого не секрет, что каждый уважающий себя разработчик программного обеспечения должен иметь в своем портфолио хотя бы один пет-проект, а лучше полноценный продукт, дающий дополнительный постоянный заработок. Предметных областей и тематик приложений великое множество, но среди них есть одна, которая заслуживает отдельного внимания — ра…

React Custom Hook: useTimeout

React Custom Hook: useTimeout

React Custom Hook: useStorage

React Custom Hook: useStorage

One of the key advantages of this custom hook is its simplicity. You can use it to store any type of data, such as strings, numbers, or even complex objects, with just a few lines of code. Additionally, useStorage handles the serialization and deserialization of data for you, so you don't have to worry about converting values to and from JSON.

React Custom Hook: useStateWithHistory

React Custom Hook: useStateWithHistory
  • Automatic history tracking: useStateWithHistory automatically keeps track of the values you set, allowing you to access the complete history whenever you need it.
  • Efficient memory usage: The hook utilizes a capacity parameter, ensuring that the history doesn't grow indefinitely. You can define the maximum number of historical values to keep, prevent…

React Custom Hook: useScript

React Custom Hook: useScript

One of the significant advantages of useScript is its ability to handle script loading asynchronously. By setting the script's async attribute to true, you ensure that it won't block the rendering of your application. This improves the performance and overall user experience, especially when dealing with larger scripts or slow network connections.

React Custom Hook: useRenderCount

React Custom Hook: useRenderCount

One of the major advantages of using useRenderCount is its simplicity. By abstracting the logic into a reusable hook, you can easily integrate it into any component without cluttering your codebase. Additionally, it provides a clear and concise way to monitor render behavior, which can be crucial for performance optimization and debugging.

React Custom Hook: usePrevious

React Custom Hook: usePrevious

This custom hook can be a game-changer in various scenarios. For instance, you can utilize usePrevious to compare and visualize changes in data, track state transitions, or implement undo/redo functionality. Additionally, it can be valuable in form handling, animations, and any situation where having access to the previous value is crucial for your…

React Custom Hook: useOnScreen

React Custom Hook: useOnScreen

React Custom Hook: useOnlineStatus

React Custom Hook: useOnlineStatus

One of the main advantages of "useOnlineStatus" is its simplicity. By importing and using this hook in your component, you can effortlessly access the online status of the user. The hook internally uses the "navigator.onLine" property to determine the initial online status and dynamically updates it whenever the user's connectivity changes.


React Custom Hook: useMediaQuery

React Custom Hook: useMediaQuery

One of the key advantages of this custom hook is its simplicity and reusability. With just a few lines of code, you can effortlessly implement responsive behavior throughout your application. Whether you need to conditionally render components, apply specific styles, or trigger different functionality based on screen size, useMediaQuery has got you…


React Custom Hook: useLongPress

React Custom Hook: useLongPress

One of the key advantages of useLongPress is its simplicity. By utilizing this hook, developers can easily define a long-press action on any element in their React application. With just a few lines of code, the hook takes care of handling the intricacies of tracking the long-press duration and triggering the associated callback function.


React Custom Hook: useHover

React Custom Hook: useHover

One of the key advantages of useHover is its simplicity and reusability. By encapsulating the hover logic within the hook, you can easily use it across multiple components without duplicating code. This promotes clean and maintainable code, saving you time and effort in the long run.


React Custom Hook: useFetch

React Custom Hook: useFetch

The useFetch hook also offers flexibility through its customizable options parameter. Developers can pass additional headers, query parameters, or request options as needed, ensuring compatibility with various APIs. The hook follows best practices by providing default options for setting the Content-Type header as application/json, promoting clean…

React Custom Hook: useEventListener

React Custom Hook: useEventListener

One of the major advantages of useEventListener is its flexibility. You can specify the event type, callback function, and even the element where the event listener should be attached. This flexibility allows you to tailor event handling to your specific needs, enhancing the reusability of your code.

React Custom Hook: useEffectOnce

React Custom Hook: useEffectOnce

By encapsulating the repetitive useEffect pattern, useEffectOnce allows you to focus on the logic within the effect function itself. This elegant solution saves you from writing boilerplate code repeatedly and helps keep your component files clean and concise.

React Custom Hook: useDeepCompareEffect

React Custom Hook: useDeepCompareEffect

One of the key advantages of useDeepCompareEffect is its ability to prevent unnecessary re-renders. By performing a deep comparison between the current and previous dependencies, the hook intelligently determines if the effect should be triggered, leading to optimized performance in scenarios where shallow comparisons fall short.

React Custom Hook: useDebugInformation

React Custom Hook: useDebugInformation

One of the main advantages of useDebugInformation is its simplicity. By integrating just a few lines of code into your component, you gain access to a wealth of debugging data. The hook tracks the number of renders, changed props, time since the last render, and the timestamp of the last render. This comprehensive information empowers you to analyz…

React Custom Hook: useDebounce

React Custom Hook: useDebounce

One of the main advantages of useDebounce is its simplicity and flexibility. By wrapping your callback function, delay duration, and any dependencies in this custom hook, you can effortlessly implement debouncing functionality without cluttering your component code. The hook takes care of managing the timeout and clears it when necessary, ensuring…

React Custom Hook: useCopyToClipboard

React Custom Hook: useCopyToClipboard

Copying text to the clipboard in a React application can be a tedious task. To simplify this process, I've created a powerful custom hook called useCopyToClipboard. With just a few lines of code, this hook streamlines the copy-to-clipboard functionality, providing developers with a hassle-free solution.

React Custom Hook: useCookie

React Custom Hook: useCookie

One of the key advantages of this custom hook is the ability to update the cookie value. The updateCookie function, returned by useCookie, enables you to modify the value of the cookie. By invoking this function with a new value and optional options, such as expiration or path, you can instantly update the cookie. Additionally, the hook convenientl…

React Custom Hook: useClickOutside

React Custom Hook: useClickOutside

One of the main advantages of useClickOutside is its ease of use. Simply import the hook into your component and pass the desired component's reference and a callback function. The hook takes care of the event listener setup and cleanup, saving you time and effort. Plus, it works seamlessly with functional components using the useState and useRef h…

React Custom Hook: useAsync

React Custom Hook: useAsync

The useAsync hook takes in a callback function that performs the asynchronous operation and an optional array of dependencies. It returns an object with three properties: loading, error, and value. The loading property indicates whether the operation is currently in progress, while the error property holds any error messages encountered during the…

React Custom Hook: useArray

React Custom Hook: useArray

In this article series, we embark on a journey through the realm of custom React hooks, discovering their immense potential for elevating your development projects. Our focus today is on the "useArray" hook, one of the many carefully crafted hooks available in the collection of React custom hooks.

Скидка до 70% на курсы разработки и DevOps практикам в Purple School

Скидка до 70% на курсы разработки и DevOps практикам в Purple School

Пишем умный поиск по коду с Open AI

В этой статье мы кратко рассмотрим технологию, которая лежит в основе ChatGPT — эмбеддинги, и напишем простой интеллектуальный поиск по кодовой базе проекта.

Пишем умный поиск по коду с Open AI

Функциональное программирование с библиотекой fp-ts

В предыдущей статье рассматривался пример использования библиотеки ramda вместе с React / Redux. Здесь я поделюсь своим опытом в использовании другой замечательной библиотеки fp-ts.


Сорсинг в твиттере

Сорсинг в твиттере

Выходим на кандидатов, которые открыты для предложений, ищем по био, выжимаем максимум из X-ray и внутреннего поиска.



#ищуработу Меня зовут Петр. Я начинающий frontend-разработчик (React, Redux, JS/TS)


Как в PHP из массивов сделать объекты с подсказками?

Когда надоело запоминать ключи массивов и хочется пользоваться подсказками любимого редактора кода на помощь приходит PHPDoc и немного смекалки.


Структура React REST API приложения + TypeScript + Styled-Components

Структура React REST API приложения + TypeScript + Styled-Components

Когда я только начал знакомиться с React, мне приходилось искать, и искать довольно-таки долго, информацию, которая помогла бы мне грамотно организовать структуру моих будущих проектов, но дельной информации было мало.


Оптимизация подключения REST API для React приложений


Инструкция направлена на оптимизацию способа обмена данными между клиентом и сервером.


React Custom Hook: useStateWithValidation

React Custom Hook: useStateWithValidation

One of the key advantages of this custom hook is its flexibility. You can pass any validation function that suits your specific requirements. Whether it's checking the length of a string, ensuring a numeric value falls within a certain range, or performing more complex validations, useStateWithValidation has got you covered.

React Custom Hook: useDarkMode

React Custom Hook: useDarkMode

The "useDarkMode" hook dynamically updates the HTML body class to apply the "dark-mode" styling whenever dark mode is enabled. This approach ensures consistency across all components without the need for manual class manipulation.

React Custom Hook: useGeolocation

React Custom Hook: useGeolocation

One of the key advantages of useGeolocation is its simplicity. By encapsulating the complex logic required for geolocation access and handling, this hook provides a clean and reusable solution. The hook automatically handles the loading state, updating it when geolocation data is being fetched, and sets the error state if any issues arise during th…