Solcial: Web3 era in social networks
If you dig a little in your memory, you can remember that the original purpose of the Internet was to create a universal network that everyone could use for the benefit of mankind. But rather quickly, some people realized that it was easy to create value on this basis if you build centralized services through which you can collect, store and sell information.
Search services, social networks and instant messengers were able to achieve such success thanks to the centralization of services on the Internet.And what have we come to by monopolizing the Internet by a few corporations? Forced closing of accounts without explanation, loss of personal files, internet surveillance, bullying, criminal cases for online activity, daily calls from sellers, apartment robberies after posting vacation photos - these are just a small list of the consequences of our activity in centralized social networks. And these are direct consequences for a particular person. And there are also indirect consequences that a person does not directly feel on himself, but can feel through a change in the social situation, an increase in tension and mistrust in society.
Fortunately, the tendency to return to the origins, to the original purpose of the Internet, is developing again. This idea is called "Decentralized Web", or Web 3.0, and involves the creation of services, the operation of which is not subject to some "central" organization.The concept of a decentralized web implies a future in which services such as communication, finance, publishing, social networking, search, archiving, etc. are not provided by centralized platforms controlled by one organization or another, but are managed by people, that is, by a community of users . Responsibility for the operation of the service also becomes a matter for the community.
Decentralized social networks give users more control and autonomy. A person can set up their social network and determine how it works and what users can say.The decentralized web outperforms the traditional approach in three fundamental areas: privacy, data portability, and security.
Confidentiality. With decentralization, more attention is paid to the integrity of personal data. The data is distributed throughout the network. Access to them is controlled solely by the network's algorithm, unlike centralized networks, whose owner usually has access to all data and can influence customer profiles and ad targeting.
Data portability. In a decentralized system, users remain the owners of their data and can decide for themselves who they share it with.
Safety. We live in a world in which the number of threats to our security is only growing. In a centralized system, the larger and more valuable the information, the more attractive it is to fraudsters and criminals. The nature of decentralized platforms makes them more resistant to hacking, intrusion, theft, and other threats, as they are designed from the start to operate under the control of society.
It becomes clear to me that the main task for this day is to bring these new technologies to the mind and bring them to the mass market. Blockchain is already acting as a universal tool for creating decentralized systems. IPFS creates completely decentralized data sources that are not stored in any particular location, but are owned by all users who have access to them.
One such new project to date is Solcial, a decentralized social network that allows users to get fair rewards for their work. Solcial promotes freedom of speech by allowing users to interact without fear of being banned or censored. As the developers promise, our main goal is to create a more open, inclusive social network that promotes freedom of speech and helps citizens express their opinions in a civilian way, without government interference or fear of being banned or persecuted. But this does not mean that any type of content is allowed, because some type of content is not a matter of free speech and is simply illegal everywhere (for example, child porn, Nazi posts or terrorism) and will be moderated by the community.
It's hard for me right now to predict exactly where the Web 3.0 era will take us, but that's the beauty of it. And every minute of every day, a huge stream of brilliant ideas and wonderful creations appear on the Internet. And most of them find it hard to find a deserving audience because of today's centralized network system. We now have technologies in our hands to make social networks more ethical and useful. And I'm very excited to be in the middle of such a deep and broad positive transformation.
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