#Time Time is priceless
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in a fleeting moment
The time factor plays a key role when launching and developing ideas. Given the ever-changing world, technology also does not stand still. By discovering the possibilities of the cyber economy, time begins to work to bring the idea to life. While the niche of the digital token economy is beginning to take shape and there are still no major players in the market that can compete, an excellent moment is opening up to expand your presence in cyberspace. It is quite possible that after a little time giants will appear here too, among whom it will be more difficult to “reach out” to their potential audience.
Dangerous sorting _COIN
Very often we are limited, not allowing us to show our talents and intelligence. Someone “sort of smart,” who has academic degrees or has the right to make decisions, says: this is a genius, and everyone else is a gray, faceless mass. We are told that the main values are fancy gadgets, cars, suits from a famous fashion designer, which should be changed at least once a year. No one even remembers self-development. Why is this necessary? Everything is very simple, because a society based on the ideas of consumerism and the selectivity of its individual members is easier to manage. It itself arose in hoary antiquity, when (someone censored the text) learned to regulate the flows of spiritual and technological development, political movements from the shadows. Later, techniques and codes appeared that made it possible to control behavioral factors in favor of the shadow government. This can be indirectly judged by reading specialized periodicals.
But today the ideas of an industrial society have outlived their usefulness. Crisis after crisis says it's time for change. Obviously, the previously invented regulatory mechanisms no longer work, this has become clear to everyone, and new ones have not been studied. Ddigitalgene is a new type of DAO* cooperation that is working successfully - DAO* is a free society of the future, based on self-development, improving your skills, and achieving your goals.
The Ddigitalgene *****_COIN platform invites all passionate, sensible people into the era of freedom, with a smart smart contract for writers, creative people. You can read more on the topic at the link: #cryptoidentifier
Ddigitalgene is an innovative device that is a bifurcation point or entry point into the new worlds of virtual and augmented reality. With the help of this software module, incredible experiences and interactions with virtual environments and augmented reality are possible, providing users with a completely new experience. One of the main attractive functions of d_gen is the ability to create your own cryptocurrency - a cyber asset, which fits perfectly into the trend of modernization and development of the global cyber world. It also offers the launch or restart of history on the web3.0 Internet, creating a new look for the virtual avatar and the registration of multidimensional surrogate 2.0 entity objects. Moreover, d_gen provides the creation of a humanized nickname identifier on the blockchain, a tokenized complex for platforms and systems, instant scoring, and verification and authentication of information using an account identifier.
And now comes the new history of humanity 2.0
ddigitalgene is an innovative education platform focused on bringing innovative teaching and learning practices to the world. It embodies the priority of using cyber technologies in the field of education, such as neural networks and blockchain. The platform offers a unique opportunity for communication and exchange of experience between teachers and students from different countries, contributing to the creation of a global educational network. Thanks to ddigitalgene, everyone has the opportunity to introduce innovative approaches into their educational practice, master the latest techniques and gain access to advanced knowledge in the field of cyber technologies.
* The "ancient" version is stated as follows:
most faithfuldevoid of lies - Truth
#DAO_Great_Tartaria is the primary source of being,
an adequate model of the system of the Universe.
At first glance, the ideas presented by the eminent professor C.B. Savelyev in his works does not cause rejection. Yes, people are all different and everyone has different potential. Some people are better at abstract art, some write amazing science fiction novels, and others are attracted to a strict sequence of functions. But, the professor goes further and suggests sorting people into grades I, II, III and marriage by studying their brains! That is, from birth, homo sapiens is marked as a mediocrity, a genius, a manager, or a typical office plankton. But this is far from true! You can read an article that disproves the popular theory: link to external site/2018/06/12/1890. Everyone, absolutely any person, having made an effort and received appropriate training and basic knowledge, is able to grow above himself, make a discovery, become an amazing artist, politician, performer, mathematician! And even age or quality of schooling is not important here! Focus, desire and perseverance are important. The cyber universe #dao_great_tartaria , with the help of algorithm programs on the Ddigitalgene platform, combines and provides all the opportunities to realize your goals, to earn money, to invest your own skills, knowledge and opportunities.
How to get crypto assets in time
The economy has experienced rapid growth over the past few years. Realizing that the industrial system is rapidly losing its position, individual users and governments are looking for an alternative. And she has already been found! Tokens today represent real assets - raw materials, metals, material and intellectual values, and the most important thing a person has - #time . Elliptic encryption algorithms provide anonymity and cannot be hacked. Even super-powerful modern computers with sophisticated crypto-crackers are powerless against the FAYETON neural network technology. Moreover, when paying with tokens, intermediaries who take kickbacks - exchanges, brokers, banks - are excluded from the chain. You can start using your time in cyberspace and in life in new ways right now, regardless of your abilities, nationality or religion. It is enough to register on the Ddigitalgene resource and issue a personal token https://d-gen.ru ..... referral link, which is tied to the avatar of this content.
Further, with the help of cyber tokens you can:
• write your own articles, conduct a video blog, share interesting facts and photographs, tokenizing them and turning them into the magic of monetization. For the time of viewing or reading, your subscribers will pay with your tokens;
• advertise goods and services. The token economy allows you to distribute advertising on all mobile and desktop devices, regardless of the country and political situation;
• regulate behavior, the order of communication, improve the mood of interlocutors, raise your rating in the group;
• take goods in installments and on credit using the project fund;
• receive crypto-assets for watching advertisements and learning useful skills;
• exchange transactions in decentralized networks.
An example is a cyber cooperative for the elite dao_great_tartaria with a capital of 3 trillion quanta - tokenized units of time;
• have access to the latest, confidential information that is not publicly available.
Enter the blockchain business, the tokenomics of the future where people come to become free, significant, do the right (maximally verified) actions, move forward, develop and improve.
No one here makes labels or tries to control public opinion. Cyberspace is a zone of free economy, friendly communication and freedom of creativity.
By joining the forefront of the future economy, where you can succeed. Link:
Articles, Internet content on Internet sites about technologies and control systems are provided for information purposes for open learning and dissemination in society by understanding people.
Crypto tokens are a unique tool for business in the modern world
🧬 In the new world, everyone can become the architect of their virtual self!
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