"I'm launching an experiment!
Starting tomorrow, my 12-year-old son Gleb will be independently managing these channels on Telegram:
and Dzen https://dzen.ru/abashinpro
Specifically, he will be 100% responsible for:
📍 Creating content (both text and images)
📍 Integrating SEO keywords into the content
📍 Posting the content on the channels.
His tools include:
kandinsky21 | GPT | MJ | and
The secret sauce 🤫
PROMPT & Check List [by Bashin].
By September 1st, Gleb will have created a content plan, a rubricator, and the content itself.
10 articles
30 posts
on each of the following topics:
We're exploring the psychology of relationships and family life. Here you'll find useful articles and advice on parent-child relationships, as well as discussions on how to improve your family life.
We're discussing the latest news from the world of computer games, sharing tips and strategies, and analyzing the psychology of gaming. Here you'll find everything you need to know about your favorite game.
We're discussing best practices for Product Discovery and Product Delivery, as well as sharing management strategies and entrepreneurial ideas.
We're discussing the importance of ESG factors in modern business. Here you'll find current articles and discussions about the impact of environmental, social, and governance factors on the long-term success of companies.
This channel is created for owners of freight forwarding companies and carriers. We publish articles and posts that will help you better understand the current situation and the future of trunk logistics in Russia. Join us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and forecasts, and together we can shape the future."
#FamilyLife, #ParentChildRelationships, #PsychologyOfRelationships, #FamilyImprovement, #GamingNews, #GamingTips, #GamingPsychology, #FavoriteGames, #ProductDiscovery, #ProductDelivery, #ManagementStrategies, #EntrepreneurialIdeas, #ESGFactors, #ModernBusiness, #EnvironmentalImpact, #SocialGovernance, #TrunkLogistics, #FreightForwarding, #Carriers, #LogisticsTrends