Суд Канады приравнял эмодзи «палец вверх» к подписанию контракта

Канадский суд постановил, что эмодзи «палец вверх» в текстовом сообщении означает согласие на заключение контракта, и приговорил мужчину к выплате 82 000 канадских долларов (5,6 млн рублей) за нарушение договора.

Суд Канады приравнял эмодзи «палец вверх» к подписанию контракта

Решение очень хорошо отписано.

Ключевой момент – стороны сотрудничали почти 10 лет до заключения искомой сделки и согласовывали договоры подобным образом. В 2020 году Истец трижды направлял договоры в мессенджер Ответчику и получал акцепты в виде «“looks good”, “ok” or “yup”». Договоры исполнялись, без претензии.

«So in short, what we have is an uncontested pattern of entering into what both parties knew and accepted to be valid and binding deferred delivery purchase contracts on a number of occasions. It is important to note that each time Kent added to the offered contract “Please confirm terms of durum contract” and Chris did so by succinctly texting “looks good”, “ok” or “yup”. The parties clearly understood these curt words were meant to be confirmation of the contract and not a mere acknowledgement of the receipt of the contract by Chris. There can be no other logical or creditable explanation because the proof is in the pudding. Chris delivered the grain as contracted and got paid. There was no evidence he was merely confirming the receipt of a contract and was left just wondering about a contract»

Ну и затем юристы Истца на перекрестном допросе вывели Ответчика на чистую воду, который прикинулся, что не в курсе thumbs up emoji:

Q. Okay. So let’s talk about the thumbs up emoji because you
responded with a thumbs up emoji, right?
A. Yes.
Q. Yeah. What kind of phone do you have?
A. An iPhone.
Q. Good. Good. That’s the best kind of phone. So when you’re
on your - - I have an iPhone as well. So when you’re on your phone
texting, you - - you, basically, open the text messaging application,
and then there’s a keyboard, and then there’s a button that opens
another keyboard with a bunch of emojis on them, right?
A. Yes.
Q. Yeah. And, like, there’s a smiley face emoji, which would
generally indicate, like, I’m happy, correct?
A. Yes. There’s lots of different emojis, yeah.
Q. Yeah. And the emojis indicate specific things, right? Like, the
happy - - the smiley face emoji would - - would generally, indicate I
am happy, correct?
A. Yes. It usually pops up - - the - - the ones you use the most,
the emojis are the first ones that pop up. There’s usually two or three
that you use regularly that will pop up.
Q. Yeah. And the emojis are used to express things in digital
communications, right? Like, they’re - - they’re used to express
specific sort of meaning, correct?
A. Yes.
Q. Yeah. Have you ever Googled the meaning of the thumbs up
emoji, Mr. Achter?
A. No, I haven’t.
Q. Okay, fair. I’m going to share my screen with you. Here, just
wait. Here. I’m going to share my screen with you, okay? So I have
Google open here, and then I’m going to type in thumbs up emoji
meaning into the search bar, and what pops up is it says, “I approve.”
Would you agree with that - - that interpretation of the thumbs up
emoji? Would you agree that that’s what the thumbs up emoji means?
MR. JORDAAN: Objection. My client is not an expert in
Q. MR. MARSCHAL: But he does send emojis, correct?
A. Yes.
Q. Yeah, okay. Okay. And at paragraph 8 of your Affidavit, you
say you deny that Kent accepted the thumbs up emoji as a digital
signature of the incomplete contract. But you would agree with me,
Mr. Achter, that you don’t know what Kent thought, right? Like, you
don’t know what’s in his mind, right?


Честно, я прочитала cross examination и не совсем поняла, где именно они вывели ответчика на чистую воду? Искренне интересуюсь


Q. Yeah. What kind of phone do you have?A. An iPhone.Q. Good. Good. That’s the best kind of phone. Абсолютная правда. Адвокат молодец 👍


@Arslan Tazhbaev
Помогите девушке с МТСом?


На самый первый вопрос про, то что значит «улыбка» ответчику нужно было накидать еще десяток вариантов happy, awkward silence, I have nothing to add, тогда бы это дало понять, что в его понимании один смайл значит кучу всего.