Описание таблицы Формат ЕГЭ

Объем 200-250 слов (не больше 275 слов)

Задание: Imagine that you are doing a project on what sports are popular among teenagers in Russian schools. You have found some data on the subject (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.


1) Подводка к теме

2) Тема

3) Результаты опроса: сравнение, проценты, комментарий

4) Проблема и решение (если такая задача стоит)

5) Вывод. Ваше мнение и пояснение

Подводка к теме:

Sport is an indispensable part of people’s life and has always been popular with youngsters. – вводный тезис общего характера по выбранной теме с обозначением коммуникативной ситуации


The aim of my project is to define what kind of sports activities have gained popularity among teens in Russian educational institutions. My project is based on the data presented in the table below. – Цель выполняемого проекта и обозначение источника информации (график, круговая диаграмма, таблица)

I am going to analyze the information and give my opinion.

(В таблице 4 вида спорта. Нужно упомянуть обо всех четырёх)

Проценты пишем цифрами – 15%

Второй абзац – описание основной тенденции + 2-3 факта из таблицы:

As can be seen from the table, there are four types of sport that attract teenagers.

According to the data, the top two activities favoured by the respondents are football (11,2%) and volleyball (10,8%) – Согласно данным, два наиболее популярных вида спорта среди респондентов – футбол (11,2%) и волейбол (10,8%).

Basketball comprised 9,8% of sport chosen by Russian teens.

Surprisingly, athletics was the least followed sport, named by only 6,7% of the surveyed as their favorite.

Заключение и вывод:

Overall, the figures demonstrate that Russian school students actively participate in sports activities. In conclusion, I believe that sport should be an integral part of teenage life because it gives teens a feeling of achievement.

Описание таблицы Формат ЕГЭ
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