Как продавать B2B и B2E клиентам в USA (вторая серия)

Как продавать B2B и B2E клиентам в USA (вторая серия)

Неделю назад мы провели первую онлайн встречу по продажам на рынке США через партнеров, и вот мы анонсируем следующую встречу!
В этот раз мы собрали новый состав спикеров с большим опытом на рынке!!!

The Second Theme - Lead channels for go-to-market strategy for US projects

Дата: Четверг (14.09) в 17:00 по мск
Встреча про Американский рынок, Спикеры в Америке, выступление на английском, потому и описание спикеров будет правильным тоже сделать на английском:

Aryuna Merdygeeva

Venture partner and startup advisor. Previously, a co-founder of a venture backed company and a Director at Starta Ventures NY fund. Before that Aryuna built career in Enterprise Sales in the US and worked with Fortune 500 companies.

Constantine Rhoda

Startup mentor @Comentorship and a serial entrepreneur (LoyalMe, AstraEd) and a seasoned sales expert with over 15 years of executive experience. A proven track record of selling software to Fortune 500 companies (Unilever, Estée Lauder, L'Oreal, LVMH), building software companies, raising funds and managing distributed teams. He’s studied at EMBA program at INSEAD Business School, and has a global exposure, having studied, lived, and worked in Singapore, Russia, France, Abu Dhabi, the United States, and Mexico.

Anton Saburov

Founder and CEO The S-Team, lead generation and outreach agency.

They are working with IT and B2B companies around the world. In their portfolio companies from the United States, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal and other. They combine mass outreach campaign and account-based marketing.

Anush Apikyan

CEO of ArmenITA, She emphasized her 16 years of experience in sales and marketing, with a particular focus on 8+ years of experience in the USA market( successfully assisted 13+ SAAS companies in selling their products within the USA market) .Trained more than 2000 students, 300+ business owners and worked with more than 100companies internationally` implementing sales and marketing working strategies. In love with sales and marketing

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Можно также подписаться на наш канал, где мы уже более года проводим встречи, уже обсуждали рынок Бразилии, Мексики, ОАЭ, Индии, Индонезии и на подходе Вьетнам

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