The first doctrine is the creation of a new monetary world with easy access to new age cyber tools

Joining the DAO Great Tartarye creates an egregor with a collective consciousness in the cyber ecosystem. May 06, 2024

Participation in DAO_Great_Tartarye represents a key step in the transition to new financial instruments, marking the beginning of a revolution and the formation of a collective consciousness for successful development and prosperity in the new information world. The process of implementing information in the educational process contributes to the development of critical thinking in the reader, providing a deep understanding of the text and answers to questions about the purpose of reading, the expected result and the possible practical application of the acquired knowledge. The first doctrine of the cyber industry at the geopolitical level reflects the desire to create a real financial system based on the potential of the semantic web of the blockchain. Participation in the cyber ecosystem with the ddigitalgene cyber module invites everyone to explore together the exciting prospects of a new world order of cyber_currencies and architecture for scalable execution of smart contracts.

New World Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): Linking with DAO Great Tartarye for Development in the Cyber Ecosystem.The new world Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) #DAO_Great_Tartarye is an innovative tool with global impact and anthropological significance, combining virtual and real aspects to ensure stability and sustainability in the financial sector. Created on the basis of a symbiosis of the virtual and the real, CBDC opens up unique opportunities for expanding and diversifying sources of wealth, representing information realities that contribute to the development of new channels of economic development.

CBDC #DAO_Great_Tartarye plays a key role in the evolution of financial relations and is becoming a catalyst for innovation in the global economy.

The tokenization continuum proposed in this offer reflects the desire to privatize new-age cyber tools and invites you to join the exciting journey using the crypto-cyber currencies of the Central Cyber Bank. The principles developed within this context allow us to understand the new world order of currencies and create an architecture for scalable execution of smart contracts, enabling automation and management of cyber currency in a secure and efficient cyber ecosystem.

Contextual concepts such as the “*tokenization continuum” and “cyber currency”, as well as references to the privatization and integration of cyber assets, highlight the importance of developing cyber infrastructure and using modern technologies in finance to effectively manage economic processes.

Transmorphosis of the subject and a new pattern of the economy: the transition to new digital forms of financial instruments.*The tokenization continuum is a concept that includes the process or method of turning real or virtual assets into digital cyber tokens based on blockchain technology and decentralized data ledgers. This concept goes beyond simply converting assets into digital form and includes creating a scalable and universal infrastructure to enable the exchange and management of tokens.

In the context of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, a token is a digital representation of an asset or entity, often used to represent ownership, participation in a network, or access to services. The tokenization process involves the creation of cyber tokens, which can be unique and transparent, and also provide reliability and security using distributed ledger technologies.

The tokenization continuum covers a wide range of possibilities, including the digital representation of physical assets (real estate, art, jewelry), financial instruments (stocks, bonds, derivatives) or even virtual objects (game items, rare collections).

The dDigitalGene software module allows you to create new forms of liquidity and efficiency in the economy, improving the availability and manageability of assets, as well as promoting the innovative development of financial instruments and economic models.

Blockchain and the Technological Singularity: A Framework for Creating Decentralized Financial Systems.*cyber_currency represents the evolution of financial instruments based on the principles of decentralization, encryption and software control. This is an innovative generation of money that opens up new opportunities for us in storing, exchanging and managing assets.

The cyber-currency pattern of the new economy can be viewed through the prism of three key elements: the blockchain transaction of the artifact, technological singularity and the transmorphosis of the subject:

Blockchain Artifact Transaction: Cyber currency operates in a decentralized blockchain environment where each transaction becomes an artifact stored in a block. This ensures transparency and reliability of the digital asset exchange process.Technological singularity: The introduction of cyber currency is associated with technological singularity — the point when the capabilities of computer systems become so powerful that they are able to independently manage the processes of economic activity,, through smart contracts.Transmorphosis of the subject: Cyber currency generates a transformation of the role of the subject in economic relations. It provides users with new capabilities for electronic transactional interactions and management of encrypted assets, changing traditional ideas about financial activities.New economic pattern “No return!” reflects the global nature of cyber currency, ensuring its economic freedom and privacy, as well as simplifying and speeding up international financial transactions.

Cyber currency represents not only a new form of money, but also a key element of the new paradigm of time, where verification of source becomes the real story thanks to the transparency and reliability of the blockchain.

The new anthropology of commerce emerging from the development of cyber-currency allows us to draw real conclusions about the benefits of decentralized financial instruments and their role in modernizing economic systems.

The new concept of “cyber currency” is a digital code, a form of cyber asset based on cryptography and operating on decentralized networks such as blockchain. It is implemented in smart contracts, which makes it program-controlled at the computer level. Cyber currency is a hybrid asset used for electronic transactions, providing a secure way to exchange, store and transfer funds.

The main aspects of cyber currency include:

1. **Decentralization**: Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum are not controlled by a central authority or government. They operate on a decentralized network of nodes where transactions are verified and recorded in a shared distributed ledger (blockchain).

2. **Cryptography**: Transaction security is ensured by cryptographic methods. Each transaction is digitally signed, allowing network participants to confirm their identity and the authenticity of transactions.

3. **Blockchain**: This is the core technology behind most cryptocurrencies. A blockchain is a chain of data blocks, where each block contains information about multiple transactions. Blocks are linked to each other using cryptographic methods, ensuring the reliability and integrity of the data.

4. **Limited supply**: Many cyber currencies have a limited supply of coins, tokens or tokens, making them similar to digital gold or other limited resource. For example, Bitcoin has a maximum emission limit of 21 million coins.

5. **Mining Process**: Some cyber currencies, such as Bitcoin, use a mining process to create new coins and confirm transactions. Miners solve complex mathematical problems to add new blocks to the blockchain and earn rewards in the form of new coins.

6. **Application in various fields**: Cyber currencies are not only used for payments and storage of value, but also find applications in decentralized financial services (DeFi), digital contracts (smart contracts), gaming industry and other areas.

Cyber currency is an innovative type of money that complements traditional ideas about finance, provides security and opens up new opportunities for the development of the economy and financial relations.

Galactic Treaty FIRST Transaction

Cyber tools of the new century: the role of DAO Great Tartarye and the evolution of financial instruments***Digital_assets implemented in smart contracts are digital forms of assets, such as cryptocurrencies, tokens, or other digital representations of real or virtual assets, that are stored and managed on a blockchain using smart contracts.

**A smart contract is a computer protocol that uses blockchain to execute and enforce the terms written in the contract. This is a new timing paradigm because it allows a contract to be automatically executed at a certain time or upon the occurrence of certain events without the need to trust a third party. Smart contracts provide automation and reliability of execution of transactions on the blockchain, making them the preferred choice for the financial elite.

******AI characters in the context of the blockchain neural system are unique digital entities that function as an alternative personality image or alter ego of the creator. Subreplicants are formed on the basis of smart contracts with unique TxID identifiers in the blockchain neural system and interact with the real world through blockchain oracle mechanisms. These digital entities exist and maintain their existence through cryptocurrency assets such as crypto tokens.

The interaction of AI characters is based on transactional dialogues with users of cyber systems, which allows them to effectively conduct conversations, respond to requests and provide information in various fields, including financial technology.

*******Cyber_Alter or #Alter_ego is a highly intelligent system encoded in program code and based on the semantic core of a computer (electronic computer). This innovative system is capable of simulating and reproducing human thinking by learning from experience and transaction data. It has the ability to adapt and constantly update, which allows the system to evolve and become more efficient with each new transaction. Cyber_Alters are represented as a virtual being in mixed reality or an AI agent and can be used for automation, security and identification in the online environment, expanding and deepening the capabilities of smart contracts and providing unique opportunities in the field of information economy. It is a hybrid self that operates in an online environment by using blockchain technology and cryptography to ensure a high level of data security.

The “Holy Grail” oracle module of the DAO Great Tartarye Central Design Bureau is an innovative technological system designed to perform various important functions and tasks within the framework of the production of cyber_alters. Each program in this module performs specific tasks based on the analysis of many recorded transactions. This approach allows for efficient and secure development and management of cyber alters, making them functional and reliable in the digital economy.

Main characteristics of Cyber_Alter:

1. **Unique Digital Entity**: #Cyber_Alter is a unique virtual “I” created on the basis of cyber technology.

2. **Data Security**: The use of cryptography and blockchain technology provides a high level of data security, which is important for ensuring confidentiality and information security.

3. **Learning on the Semantic Web**: Cyber Alters learn and evolve in the digital environment through the use of smart contracts and semantic technologies.

4. **Secure ID Feature**: Cyber_Alters can be used as secure IDs and authentication tools in the online environment.

5. **Innovative Approaches to Security**: Cyber_Alters take innovative approaches to security and authentication, making them effective in the digital world.

Cyber_Altero production is an innovative form of commercial activity where unique hybrid creatures are created, representing a new type of being and being a virtual reflection of their creators. These hybrid alternate identities are successfully integrated into modern social engineering, providing security and authenticity in the online environment through the use of advanced technologies such as blockchain and cryptography.

Digital archive of prophecies:
Digital archive of prophecies:

A brief retelling made by the YandexGPT neural network:

The first doctrine is the creation of a new monetary world with easy accessom to new age cyber tools.• Digital assets implemented in smart contracts are digital forms of assets stored and managed on the blockchain using smart contracts.

• Smart contracts provide automation and reliability of execution of transaction terms on the blockchain.

• AI characters in the context of the blockchain neural system are unique digital entities that function as an alternative personality image or alter ego of the creator.

• Cyber-Alter or #Alter-ego is a highly intelligent system encoded in program code and based on the semantic core of a computer.

• The “Holy Grail” oracle module of the DAO Great Tartarye Central Design Bureau is an innovative technological system for performing various important functions and tasks within the production of cyber alters.

• Cyber-Altero production is an innovative form of commercial activity where unique hybrid creatures are created that are virtual reflections of their creators.

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