Ну вот и MailerLite всё!

Ранее ушел MailChimp.
Теперь и литовский популярный сервис рассылок решил «порадовать».
Our entire remote team around the world, including our Ukrainian colleagues, are deeply saddened by Putin’s disgraceful war in Ukraine. While we recognize that many people in Russia are also against the war in Ukraine, we have decided that the best step we should take under the current circumstances is to suspend all accounts based in Russia until this conflict is resolved. Since we will no longer provide our services to accounts based in the Russian Federation, your account is now suspended. You can still log in and access your data, but you will no longer be able to run marketing campaigns. If the account is based in a different country and you believe it has been disabled by an error, you can reply to this email where you will be asked to submit additional information. Our team will determine if the account complies with our Terms of Service. We are committed to supporting Ukraine in every way possible and joining the rest of the world calling for a peaceful resolution. Learn more about our official position at Stand with Ukraine.

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