Kirill Piton

с 2015
0 подписчиков
26 подписок

Each wheel of the San José Semaphore can assume four distinct positions: vertical, horizontal, and left- and right-leaning diagonal; together, the four wheels have a vocabulary of 256 possible combinations.

First, Jimmy pulled up the SJ Semaphore’s online transmission and began copying the positions of the discs by hand, just to get the feel for it. Then he figured out how to gather and parse the data from the website, and hacked together some scripts to pull data every couple of minutes. He assigned number values to the discs and graphed his findings. At first he was looking for written words, but the graphs started to look a little like audio.

Then, using a program to examine .wav files, he began to hear the transmission.


за минуту**ть, что за минуту? От получения телефона до хака прошла минута? Или все таки они за минуту показали презентацию хака, которой готовились неделями? 10 желтых заголовков / 10