Product-marketing manager, fintech,creative and edtech services Опыт в Альфа Банк, Sber и well-being services (Москва-Манчестер)
Big companies are ready to give a lot of effort (and big budget as well) to learn about their customer journey and understand shoppers’ behavior. One of the greatest ways to get acquainted with your customer is to apply Neuro Customer Experience.
With neuro product marketing researchers, you may be sure that your respondents won’t provide answers that would be biased or skewed. Traditional focus groups or deep interviews are always influenced by tons of stereotypes, cognitive biases, emotions, or even social and moral norms. But these challenges may be overcome with neuromarketing tests now…
The development of neuroscience had a great impact on social sciences at the turn of the 21st century. Modern methods of studying brain activity help to identify the cognitive and affective processes that underlie people’s perception of the surrounding world, the formation of attitudes, and human behavior in various areas of life. Moreover, neurosc…
Привет, я — Анна Письменная. Я влюблена в мозг и образование. Именно поэтому я связала свою жизнь с нейромаркетингом, написала диссертацию и являюсь автором курса нейромаркетинга в Высшей школе бизнеса, ВШЭ. И мне как преподавателю очень важно понимать ожидания студентов от моего курса, что довольно непростое занятие. Поэтому я сформировала систему…