New money - "Many Many": The foundation of the new cyber economy.
Money: Digital Cybercurrency on the dDigitalGene Platform: A Guide to Entering the Cybereconomy
  • Money: a digital cyber currency on the dDigitalGene platform | blockchain, DeFi and global transactions
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The Cybernetic Banking Digital Concordance (CBDC) is an intelligent cybernetic financial paradigm that represents a hybrid multi-layered architecture of global monetary systems based on the symbiotic integration of cybernetic control algorithms, distributed blockchain ledgers, artificial intelligence (AI) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO). This currency is the highest form of digital equivalent of value, which:
C — Cybernetic:
Reflects the cybernetic intelligence and autonomy of the system, where financial flows are managed through self-learning neural network algorithms and smart contracts that ensure dynamic synchronization of economic entities at the global level.
B — Banking:
Recreates traditional banking functions in a digital post-industrial environment, where cyber-banks act as automated entities of the financial ecosystem, managing assets, liquidity and transactions in a technologically predetermined trust context.
D — Digital:
Declares the absolute digitalization of financial exchange, where value, trust and transactions are recorded and confirmed through immutable blockchain ledgers that ensure transparency, security and automated execution of financial obligations.
C — Concordance:
Records global consistency and collective governance of the financial system through integration into the DAO Great Tartarye and the Cyberbank Galactic Concordance platform, where decentralized decision-making eliminates monopolies and redistributes economic power in favor of ecosystem participants.
Cybernetic Banking Digital Concordance (CyberCBDC) is an intelligent-cognitive system of cybernetic monetary circulation based on the symbiotic synthesis of blockchain technologies, neural networks and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO). CyberCBDC is a hybrid quantum financial protocol that provides global economic synchronization and consensus management of economic flows through cybernetically controlled distributed ledgers.
The dDigitalGene platform provides the infrastructure for asset tokenization, creation of personal digital currencies and integration into the new economic paradigm. This opens up the opportunity for each participant to:
Create cyber assets and receive basic income;
Automate economic processes through smart contracts;
Become a subject of the global financial ecosystem that forms the basis of Web 3.0.