The cultural epiphenomenon of the information and financial evolution of the virtual world
D_GEN production tokens are automated contracts in the blockchain neural network. The decentralized network operates automatically, with the computer guaranteeing cyber-exchange with various crypto-assets using programmable D_Gen Web 3.0 modules. It is now the period of a cultural epiphenomenon of the financial evolution of the virtual world.
Epiphenomenon of the financial evolution of the virtual world. The first generation of tokens (ETO) has become much more widespread in recent years, but they are still relatively few. It is expected that the next generation will be more common and much more interesting. As I start investing in cryptocurrencies and decide to choose my own token as my first investment. Since then, I have learned a lot about cryptocurrencies, and it has really changed my perception of investments. This article will be a little different from most others, so I hope you enjoy it!
Innovative thematic algorithms, including tokenization. The latest relationships between cybernetic values, and especially tokenized ones, have never before been a reality for mathematical algorithms.
We know that the ancient Greeks had a kind of algorithm for creating the Pythagorean theorem, and we even have the Euclidean algorithm, which can be used to find the greatest common divisor of two integers. However, it was only with the advent of the computer that we were able to create true algorithms (notations for algorithms) that can be programmed into a machine. The first true algorithms were created by Charles Babbage, who is most famous for inventing the first programmable mechanical computer - the "Analytical Engine."
Culture is the result of evolutionary development, a measure of progress in the development of civilization. Ideas arise, one dimension transitions into another, and this process is inevitably accompanied by an increase in energy consumption. Production, from the time of subsistence farming to industrialization, shows the vector of growing energy consumption. But further, energy becomes the main driver of development, and information consumption becomes the measurement line. We see how information production has been transforming culture.
Man is the creator of his kind Endowed with a powerful central nervous system, humans are capable of creating multiple parallel informational models.
In order to sustain such existence, humans must generate ideas that will change the world around them. And these ideas must be accepted, understood, and utilized. Only when a new idea is accepted, understood, and used can it become a cultural value. The development of culture is not a straight line, but a zigzag. In the process of its development, culture goes through stages of increasing complexity. The first step towards culture is acquiring food. This means that culture starts with the production of energy.
Just as a satiated person can lift their eyes and gaze at the stars, the production of energy and information provides a launch into the boundless expanse of cybernetics. The thirst for achieving goals, dreaming, and aspiring to fulfill one's dreams does not go unnoticed, just as a young man strives for the affection of a girl.
It is inherent in us, it is our nature, and all of history with its cultural wealth motivates us towards endowing virtuality, firstly with materialization, secondly with our intellectual qualities, sensibility, and aspiration for development.
How intellectual is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence has long fascinated humans, especially in recent decades. Many people have been inspired by the achievements of artificial intelligence. It was the idea that machines can think like humans, understand what we understand, think creatively, and solve problems that humans cannot solve. But what does that really mean? How intelligent is artificial intelligence? Today, many believe that AI is already very intelligent and will become increasingly intelligent.
All of this is complete nonsense. One must understand one unsolvable problem. At least, unsolvable at present. Artificial Intelligence "eats" what humans give it. It does not take anything from nowhere. It can only process the information it is taught by humans. It has no insight, no aspiration for the stars.
Token #time is the key to human success Development is a vector.
The vector of culture, like a kaleidoscope, is formed from small crystals: human thought, philosophy, discoveries, and breakthroughs that happened as critical mass accumulated. Like an energy discharge, like the rumble of thunder. That crystal today is another small one, but collectively - a token. Like a cell in an organism, like a neuron - like a new mathematical unit. The mastery of technology and the application of tokenized virtual values are already present today on our platform. Welcome!
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