Cyber Aggregator dDigitalGene: Harmony between the virtual world and reality
Artifact of Homo Virtuales.
D_gen provides the production of Avatars in the cyber world.
The cost of one creation is 25 coins.
With every decade, progress picks up speed. Today, what was only dreamed of about forty years ago is possible. Instant communication with any corner of the Earth, innovative technologies that make life easier, work, and provide good rest. Today, technological innovations permeate all areas of human life, leaving more time for rest, self-development, and improving one’s talents.
On March 20, 2023, a cyber tool appeared that allows you to completely change human nature and move to the digital level. Meet the Cyber-Aggregator dDigitalGene - a software module based on the new generation neural network web 3. It creates a perfect, identical copy of homo_virtuales - an avatar in the cyber-universe of the blockchain. Its one appearance completely breaks all ideas about the capabilities of humans and computers, changing the usual anthropological nature of people. We will tell you in this article what this tool can do and why it is so important for the future of our world.
Harmony between the virtual world and reality How often do people lack the time and resources to make their dreams come true, to fully realize their creative potential, and to create something new? It all comes down to the limitations of human nature: we need to eat, sleep, we sometimes feel unwell or in a bad mood. Ultra-modern IT technologies have solved this problem by offering implementation through virtual cyberspace.
Cyber Aggregator dDigitalGene is a portal to a new, hospitable dimension, in which there are completely no restrictions due to biological nature or physiology. What's good about it:
· The portal, created on the basis of the blockchain neural network, provides users with the gigantic power of modern computers that perform calculations at a speed close to the speed of the human brain - 1 quintillion operations per second. This is enough to produce non-standard solutions and ideas based on already known information, self-learn, and replace a person in negotiations, telephone conversations and video conferences.
· Thanks to powerful neuro-intelligence, an ordinary person evolves to the level of human version 2.0. The cyber avatar does not need food or water, he does not get tired, he does not have a headache or stomach ache, and he is able to complete the task at any time of the day or night.
· With the help of an avatar, a person awakens his inner potential and reveals all his natural talents. Intelligence increases to incredible heights, creative abilities are fully activated. People begin to think more broadly, more deeply, and can finally start learning or take on a project that has been put off for years.
· This is an indispensable tool for self-improvement, work, and relaxation. It teaches, allows you to automate repetitive processes, leaving more time to find creative solutions. Opens up a whole world full of amazing discoveries and secrets.
· In the decentralized blockchain space, it is possible to create and run your own business, with full asset management. The system does not limit the user in anything: you can safely store, invest, and earn money. And the cyber avatar becomes an indispensable assistant, secretary, lawyer all rolled into one.
· When creating communities, businesses or parties based on interests, a person can be calm: the neural system provides all the opportunities for private negotiations, conferences, encrypted secure communication with all like-minded people and partners. Here you can exchange innovative know-how, create the latest developments, work in a group or receive advice from specialists.
· Cyber avatar allows you to create your own crypto currency - tokens, with a unique name, design/logo. The number of coins depends entirely on the choice of the owner and his long-term strategy. You can increase interest and price by artificially limiting the quantity, or release more coins of lower value. Also, they can be exchanged for other tokens, to pay for goods or services.
· Your own cyber avatar - a token - is a bridge between the virtual and real world. They provide an opportunity to promote your business in reality. It is enough to accept part of the payment for goods/services in tokens, give favorable discounts, and make instant payments without the participation of the banking system.
Cyber Aggregator dDigitalGene allows you to interact with the outside world at a new level. You no longer need to go to work every day, because cyberspace provides all the opportunities for Avatar to earn money regularly. With the help of the portal you can travel, discover new worlds, overcoming the boundaries of reality. A smart avatar helps make long-cherished dreams come true. The new portal was created for those who keep up with the times and boldly step into the digital era. The merging of human nature and digital technologies is already inevitable, because only the new man v 2.0 will be able to overcome the boundless spaces of the Universe and discover new worlds.
Don't miss your chance to get new riches and become the first in the new world of the future.
Get codes to enter the cyber world with the dDigitalgene Cyber Aggregator program. Your journey into the digital age begins now!
The industrial era ends and the era of the cyber universe begins. A person fully reveals his capabilities, understands who he really is - a creator, a free person for whom there are no boundaries. Combining real life and the virtual world, people gain wings, overcome all obstacles, communicate with friends on other continents, found and expand their business without investing millions, or create masterpieces of art while receiving a full-fledged education. At the same time, you can leave the house only to admire the beauty of nature, breathe fresh air, or go to an amusement park with your child. A harmonious balance between virtual reality and real life is the path to success and happiness.
Do you want to become part of the universe of the future, learn all the possibilities of innovative neural networks and software modules based on them?
Would you like to open
a door to a world of new opportunities, to upgrade from Homo sapiens to Homo virtuales?
Buy and create your own Avatar doppelganger using the dDigitalGene cyber aggregator, and you will find out who really is who. Realize yourself in cyberspace so that your dreams come true!
The following scientific evidence is offered:
1. Research shows that virtual images in a network society can have a significant impact on the behavior and emotional state of a biological being. For example, a 2018 study by Zhang and Han found that virtual friends can provide the same measure of support and social inclusion as real friends. This suggests that virtual images can become significant sources of social support and satisfaction for people.
3. Virtual images can also have a significant impact on the physical and health of a biological being. For example, a 2019 study by Zhang et al found that using virtual reality for rehabilitation purposes can improve people's physical function and quality of life. This suggests that virtual imagery can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of biological beings.
4. Finally, it is worth noting that virtual images can provide significant opportunities for self-expression and self-affirmation of a biological being. For example, a 2020 study by Brown et al found that using virtual personas allowed people to expand their self-expression and be more confident. This demonstrates that virtual images can become a powerful tool for the development and self-realization of a biological being.
2. Modern technologies provide opportunities for creating unique virtual images, which, in turn, are available for interaction with biological beings. For example, the development of virtual and augmented reality makes it possible to create graphical objects that can integrate and interact with the real environment. This means that virtual images can actively interact with biological beings, which supports the idea of symbiosis between them.
Based on scientific research data, we can conclude that there is an epiphenomenon of symbiosis between a virtual image and a biological being in a network society. Virtual images influence the behavior, emotional state, physical function, health and self-affirmation of biological beings, which confirms the close relationship and interdependence between them.